woensdag 23 september 2020

We are in a really powerful PORTAL right now ~ Pars Kutey

We are in a really powerful PORTAL right now.
It is a Potent portal that is clearing in the now moment.
We are BE-ing called to become more light and it is our bodies that are allowing us the HIGHER consciousness to expand and to practice in this NOW human journey from higher states of consciousness.
This is allowing us to clear our physical vessel.....litterly clearing it.
We really need to BE aware of the dynamic frequency changes on the planet within the network of God/ SOURCE LIGHT that is stil expanding daily.
It is evolving daily and carrying more and more light that we can BEgin to channel and utilize where actually automatically its running through our hearts.
This was always going to be the time during this covert energy that has really stopped us and really demanded us to look at our SELVES. In a different way.
It is open this space ..it is a GLORIOUS SPACE..... and it is about us returning to consciously aligning to our sacred being.
We must step forward NOW and activate this DIVINE energy of creation of our hearts desire and it is about understanding that we deserve to receive this abundance right now just we are.
It is about recognizing that this is our time to receive and claiming that receivership.
Just like mother Mary said:”effortless receivership “
And that we .... we deserve the love of our selves and that abundance is a part of self-love.
We are becoming the multi-dimensional creator human that we have always been.
This is a very powerful time.....
So let us use this PORTALto feel everything.
With sacred love of one.
By Pars Kutay