maandag 21 september 2020

My Inner Child Is The Architect Of My Experience By Andrej Majer

My Inner Child Is The Architect Of My Experience

By Andrej Majer

I am here to co-create a new world. 

Let the energy of transformation be expressed through me. For a long time, I struggled to belong and be accepted into this outdated construct of the world, which is now ending its lifespan. 

It is obvious that the old paradigm is afraid of its end and therefore in its fear it tries to keep itself alive in all possible ways. The real revolution is in full swing. It is an evolution of consciousness that nothing can stop. 

The experiment of free will on earth is coming to an end. This time, it will not end with complete destruction, but with the transformation of everything that no longer serves us. Energy anchoring is becoming more and more efficient. 

This is witnessed by global changes at the physical level, which seem chaotic and negative at first glance. However, these changes are the catalyst of the birth of a new world that will sprout from the ashes of the old paradigm. Mother Earth cleanses herself of everything that is not for her highest benefit. Just as the transformation of the emotional body takes place within us, so does the cleansing take place outside of us, in which water has the main power of transformation. 

Weather is inextricably linked to our collective emotional body. Let the water wash away all that is not for our highest good. I indulge in the flow of change that inevitably comes. Resisting change is not helpful and causes additional pain and suffering. The process of inner transformation requires a complete confrontation with oneself and the courage to look at one’s entire interior. 

In making this observation, I perceive different thoughts and patterns that engage with external stimuli. I am aware that I am above all these thoughts and patterns or programs. In the state of an observer, I get to know everything that is going on inside me. I perceive feelings, thoughts, pain, panic attacks, emotions, love, restlessness and peace. I am grateful to be aware that none of the mentioned is me. 

I have all these internal formations at my disposal here in the body and detachment from them is a condition for inner peace. Only in a state of inner peace can pure consciousness function fully through the body and express itself in the world. The body is an instrument of consciousness that serves the purpose of expression. Consciousness, on the other hand, is a musician who creates a melody of love. 

We are all looking for that ultimate melody that would fill and saturate us. It is futile to try to find just that outside of us. Only when I close my eyes and look inside can I find a child who has all the instruments ready to play them and create a divine song of grace. 

The child in me is the architect of my world. He will create exactly the kind of world that is reflection of my attitude towards him . This child needs tenderness and compassion and security to be able to unleash all his creative potential on the canvas of life . Regardless of the fact that the child suffered and was abused and was not seen and heard it is now up to me to give him all the tenderness and compassion. I hug him tightly, comfort him, and escort him into the present moment. Here, in childlike playfulness and wonder, he can create in all his divine power.

