dinsdag 22 september 2020

GAME OVER By Ramona Lappin


By Ramona Lappin

GAME OVER that was the message I received Sunday repeatedly. Interestingly enough hours after I saw the BBC news article that major banks have been found to have been laundering money worldwide. 

The stock market reacted today with some substantial losses. This is after I shared in one of my posts this past week that a collective money curse had been cleared and that I expected some shifts of this to become tangible for us all in the coming days and week/s. 

I have already experienced personal shifts on this front, especially the way I FEEL about money. It has become less important/ less of a fear/ worrying factor, I just know and truly deeply feeeeel that I’m always provided for and that there’s nothing to worry about. 

That the worry itself manifests as more worry. It’s been nice to feel that carefree about it! Since Wednesday I have been feeling that something HUGE and amazing is going to happen, that super excited feeling and I know some others have tapped into that too. 

It’s truly another level of excitement and confidence. I feel that we will see the collapse of the banking system shortly and with it a new higher version arising. Along the lines of a QFS/ NESARA/ GESARA yet I don’t use these names and am just sharing them here to give an idea of what kind of shift I’m talking about. 

The next week and especially October will be a huge game changer I believe. Obviously not just around money. Many dominos are finally starting to fall very quickly. All is interconnected.

The energies since Friday are truly something else. Today, Monday, was very much an integration and clearing day for me after the onslaught of energy of the past three days. We’re receiving huge upgrades and activations to our whole skull including crown, third eye, pineal and pituitary glands, balancing of our right and left brain and heart mind connection, our masculine and feminine energies are balancing and merging, with it many of us are experiencing a new level of balance and embodiment. 

We are collapsing our inner polarities/ duality remaining which also results in the up and down energies. We maybe feeling many things in opposites; tired and wired, needing much rest but feel restless, feeling hungry yet have no appetite, feeling blissed out and then have a wave of sadness hit us etc.

 I find just being with it all, in the moment and letting it pass through me like waves of an ocean is the best thing I can do. When I’m happy I’m happy, when I’m sad I’m sad and I just allow it to pass through me without judging any of it. Laughing at it all as it’s a crazy ride. Like going shopping and telling myself I need some good nurishment, to come home too nauseated to eat what I bought and ending up eating in the middle of night, my food intake has no routine to it at present.

We can be sad yet not suffer, that’s the key here, non resistance is how we do that. When we know it’s all perfect and allow it instead of judging it and wishing for things to be different.

 Even when out in nature it’s so good to do earthing and connect with mama earth but it’s also too much energy, the sun gives me nausea these past few days. Same at night when trying to sleep, I end up feeling super charged and have to work with the energy, move it through my body energetically and anchor it into mama earth. 

Still, I try and relax but it’s not been easy all the time, there’s so much energy running through me these past few days it’s actually challenging for the body to hold and anchor, I feel wired a lot. All I can do is allow and not resist this sacred embodiment process but focus on the gratitude as I know what is happening is huge and beneficial. Again, if this isn’t your experience that’s totally perfect. We’re all at different stages and feel different things on different days.

There’s still a LOT of clearing going on so it’s challenging for some. We are clearing and collapsing many artificial timelines so some old stuff may come up along with the physical, mental and emotional bodies releasing the density connected to those as well as the karmic, ancestral and collective imprints, programs, belief systems, miasms and trauma held in our cellular memory, bodies and DNA. 

For those that have found more balance they will start finding these huge energies easier to navigate than in the past. Much self care is needed. I found that with all the downloads of information coming in, I have so much I wish to write about and share but I need a lot of rest as well as move my body and the energy, which I do through a lot of walking lately. It’s all about balancing, stabilizing and integrating these frequencies and staying in the now moment as what we feel like doing may change from one moment to the next. 

So letting go of any need to control the process will be hugely beneficial and make it easier to handle. Headaches, sinus pain, ear aches and pressure, teeth and stomach sensitivity, our sacral is still clearing much, detox symptoms, nausea, dizziness, sleep problems, anxiety and more can all be experienced.

The guidance I got for myself today was to just keep letting it all go. Anything I might think I know, what might happen, what’s tomorrow or next week, right/ wrong, god/ bad, all judgements, let it all go. Let all your thoughts flow through and out of you. 

Attach to nothing and just trust that God Source is in charge and all is amazingly well. Truly anything else would be the fear that the/ our Universe not conspiring on our behalf. After all, we are the Universe, it’s all inside of us, ALL INSIDE! Why would we not be conspiring on our own behalf? Has not everything been exactly as it was supposed to? All has been ultimately serving us, teaching us the love lessons we came here for, even though it didn’t seem so at the time?! 

I recommend releasing any thoughts and belief system that may tell you that you are not supported and save. Go really deep and release any lingering fears. That’s THE KEY in all of this, RELEASING ALL FEAR!! 

That’s when we become invincible and impenetrable at all levels. That’s when we truly are able to step into our power and sovereignty. When nothing and no one can rock us anymore. So let go of all remaining fear, worry, regrets, sadness, all that comes up, just observe and release it. Let go of the fear of death, of illness, of not being able to pay the rent or food, of losing someone, of being rejected, of being laughed at, of not making it to ‘new earth’, of being left behind, of doing it wrong, of anything that you are still afraid of. 

Remember this is a game, we are living in a holographic quantum projection, the only thing keeping us stuck in the matrix is fear. So either we bring it all up and transcend it from within or something will happen in our life that will make us live through and transcend that fear so we can find out that it didn’t kill us after all.

 Just keep letting all and everything go. Knowing that when we become empty, God visits us, our spirit will fill us and we will know peace once again. Remembering that we are eternal beings and that death is but an illusion. The irony being that we die many deaths to become free from all that was making us feel half alive.

Let go of all expectations, any ideas of identity, of right and wrong, good and bad, all opinions, any mission and just STAY PRESENT WITHIN THE NOW. All will be shown. I AM/ WE ARE SAFE AND SUPPORTED. The visual and sensation I got was floating on a fluffy cloud, totally supported, free, light and happy. All was being taken care of and I will know what to do when it is time. All shall be revealed, so much is in flux.

 Not to attach to nothing, just be love and keep going within and spend time in silence and listen. There is much being transmitted in this silence. Our gifts and abilities are getting stronger and stronger. So that’s what I’m doing. Relaxing and just observing it all from Zero Point where everything is always possible. Of course I still have preferences though and feel very excited about the future. That’s the mind of opposites we are collapsing, it’s the paradox. Being / observing two states/ opposites at the same time and integrating them. That’s polarity integration.

The biggest theme for today is the collapse of ‘following’, cults/ the occult, religion and dogma. Remembering that all we need is truly inside of us. No teacher, no Guru, no politician, no doctor, no parent, no one can give us the answers we truly seek. 

People can point us towards the truth but with so much differing and disinformation around, the truth can only be found within. That’s what we came here for. To be our own Sheppard’s. To find and cultivate our own connection with God, no middle man required, yet all serves its purpose of course. To find out the difference between ‘right and wrong’ which in the end if knowing that which serves us and all others simultaneously; The Law of One. 

Where we understand that when one suffers, all suffer. That we’re all interconnected, all a unique fractal of God Source and that separation is the ultimate illusion we came to unveil. That all is within us. That when we look without we dream and when we look within we awaken. We can listen to others and have respectful conversations around topics but we have to decide ourselves what our own truth is and even that those truths and beliefs may change quickly, to not be attached to anything as all is transformed. 

We have so much wisdom inside of us and we all have access to the higher truths and our own galactic history. In the end, truth can only be understood when felt.

Lastly, the Time & Energy Vortex I tapped into last week and wrote about that we’re currently in (my perspective), is where we have access like never before to tap into other timelines to correct them. Whether it be from this lifetime or any other. We can all do this in meditation, the veils are so thin that it makes it easier to access the information now. 

Just become very quiet and see where your spirit wishes to take you. We can visit another timeline and then make corrections, how we would have liked it to go. When we make these corrections, the connected trauma imprint ‘heals’ itself, this heals our DNA and cellular blueprint and also affects the present and future. Go and try it out if you feel guided to, we all have this ability. Always connect to God Source and your higher Self and ask for protection and guidance. 

You can also ask a specific question around any challenge and then receive guidance on what timeline it is connected to. Our own direct connection to God Source and our Higher Self is what we came here to reconnect to. Practice makes perfect.

Much is going on and it might get a little choppy so try your best to be the centre of the storm. We are here as frequency holders and anchors, we are here to correct timelines and heal our templates. The best way we can help anyone is to heal ourselves, let that be our focus, all else comes from here!

Eternal Love & Blessings,