vrijdag 8 mei 2020

WAYSHOWERS ~ Amanda Lorence

In previous WAYSHOWERS post (21 April 2020) I explained about the individual SOUL MERGE to the Physical Vessel. A stage of our ascension. Please refer back for details/re-cap.

After the Soul Merge, there is still a period that continues, of dismantling the remaining behavioural patterns held within the human personality overlay. Any remaining engrained patterns created at child-hood get to be seen, worked on (if you choose), deeply deeply, to the core root distorted belief system taken on as an innocent child.

There is a point then, in our deep inner work that we then reach. Where we SEE the over-riding theme (distortion/belief system), that each and EVERY human being has. It is a shared distortion of belief relating to being a Human here, behind the veil.

No matter the personality, the sex, age, country of origin, religion etc, we ALL carry ONE SAME distortion shared amongst us all. Our life, circumstances, experiences, create different behavioural patterns and different belief systems, yet we ALL carry the SAME, singular belief system, underlying ALL of us and all of this human experience. It is THIS FINAL, last belief system seen, at right time, that lifts once seen from within. We have to reach this ourselves, at our ready point. 

To be simply told it, disempowers you. For it is in our OWN journey, our OWN seeing within, that each empower themselves. Not by the words of another telling you. YOU DISCOVER IT for yourself because only then, are you ready to KNOW it, embody it. And the weight carried through this belief system is then lifted. Peace discends. Love for ALL remains...not as momentary where we are still susceptible to being triggered (to see a behavioural pattern), but an over-riding permanence of Love frequency stays. With this, quiet wonder, gratitude, relief it is over. Presence stays within and without. A TRUTH is just KNOWN that can’t be undone.

For after SEEING that ALL humans carry this same burden of belief, either consciously or sub-consciously, knowingly or unknowingly, we THEN SEE the higher truth beyond that distortion, that dissolves away the underlying belief pattern. A belief system THE ONE BELIEF, that had led to all the super-imposed behavioural patterns and belief systems that we each carried being behind the veil. 
Once the shared belief is dissolved, by seeing the higher truth, our sight of each human changes. It is KNOWN...it can’t be undone. From that moment our outlook changes, permanently:

1] We stop seeing a human being as a human being. We see a SOUL, and all SOULS actually joined together as ONE Consciousness sharing the same Oversoul. It’s not that we learn this academically, we become the KNOWER of this, via embodiment stages.

2] We still hear people talking and taking actions from their human choices, but their words and actions stem from the human personality overlay. We KNOW it’s not ‘them’. For we just see through, know, feel their ACTUAL Soul, beyond the personality overlay. We know it’s just a matter of ‘time’ for their ‘overlay’ to dissolve. As per their process. And if it doesn’t, we are still at peace with that too. Because we FEEL their SOUL. See their soul, We KNOW they are not their human personality that influences them still. That was just an energetic overlay in order to have such a unique experience for each of us, all individually behind the veil of amnesia.

3] When more reach the stage of their individual soul merge with their physical body, (no longer experienced as a separated energy to the body), and when each reach the stage of seeing humanities shared belief carried, a new system becomes available AT THAT STAGE. Two or more Soul-merged (human embodied souls), cleared of THE MAIN human distortion/belief, can then CONNECT SOUL TO SOUL via their conscious awareness in body. 

So beyond the personality. Beyond the human mind. Beyond the thought. This can only be done when two people have reached the stage of their own soul merge within themselves. Otherwise, if one hasn’t reached that stage, there is an energetic seal in place (a block) as that human can’t actually access consciously, via the physical vessel, their own soul as it hasn’t merged INTO their conscious body experience here. 

Two Souls merging (both having merged their own soul to their own body), will communicate SOUL WITH SOUL beyond the personality, beyond the human body, beyond any human words, beyond human mind. As PURE LOVE, that is endless. 

They don’t need to be together in the same physical location to do this. It’s beyond time, space and gravity. It’s NOT Astral travel. It’s conscious humans doing this because they can (it’s the galactic timeline we are now in). 

It’s a communication of light, Light Soul with Light Soul, that holds an over-riding eternal peace, balance, harmony that is the presence of PURE WHITE LIGHT of LOVE.

We have so much more to experience as human. Keep going...

One Love
Amanda Lorence
7 May 2020