zaterdag 2 mei 2020

The Power of Love is sweeping the Earth and all within and upon her ~ Judith Kusel

The Power of Love is sweeping the Earth and all within and upon her.

Hark ye!

And it shall come to pass that bastions crack open and fortresses fall, for the Power of Love is the mightiest Divine Force.

And it is The Power of Love which is opening the heart, and pouring forth within and pouring out without and it is sweeping forth the changes. It is unstoppable.
For the Portal of Heart is the Cosmic Portal of Everlasting Truth and it is moving within you and it is lifting you and restoring balance.

The Power of Love is bringing transformation in the Highest Degrees.

As you read this there will be a mighty stirring of the Power of Love within you and your soul shall rise in rememberance and you shall be transformed even as you already are.
I birthed you into being. I created your soul together with the Divine Masculine in beautiful deep love and harmony.

Arise now and remember!

Arise now and allow the Power of Love to lead you home to the deepest truth within and now become the Power of Love which changest the world.

I am the Great Mother and I am gathering my children into my heart, for my great love for them is never ending, and ever renewing itself.

I love you!
I am risen!
I have spoken!

The Duvine Feminine

Judith Kusel