maandag 18 mei 2020

The Emotional Body By Andre Majer

LoveHasWon Special Message~The Emotional Body

By Andre Majer
Now we will touch on a topic that is very important in the life of each individual. It is an emotional body. All the traumas and pains we experience in our stay in this body are stored in us because we do not express and transform them. As small children, we knew how to do this automatically. For example, children jump and shake their hands in excitement. 
Or they shout and throw things in anger and sadness. In this way, they express themselves and physically move the accumulated energy which is released during the experienced e-motions. Children are natural transformers of emotional energy for themselves and for everyone present in their environment. 

The so-called naughtiness in them is caused by our energy state which the child perceives and then expresses it in order for us to realize that it is happening in us. By doing so, they help us realize our unconscious unhealed wounds and traumas. Naughtiness is a picture of us that we see externally expressed in a child. 
Therefore, when a parent is angry, the child will perceive this and express it. This release of energy is very important and prevents the accumulation of this destructive energy in us, which then creates energy blockages in our body. However, there are many parents who do not have this knowledge and therefore limit their children in expressing their energy. This is where the accumulation of unexpressed emotions begins in childhood, which then creates an imbalance in our emotional body.
Parents suppress their children to the very core. Do not cry,don’t scream,don’t jump,don’t throw things. And the fuckery begins in early childhood. This un expressed emotions are then the root cause for pain inside us that is causing automatic reactions. 
And these automatic reactions are cause for all other fuckery that we see in the external world. We have a bunch of ramparts unhealed children running around and reacting because of these unhealed wounds. Me included from time to time i admit but i am aware and doing daily to transform that.