zondag 10 mei 2020

Break Out of Collective Normality By: Andrej Majer

LoveHasWon Special Message ~ Break Out of Collective Normality

By: Andrej Majer
Learned helplessness makes us narrow-minded and blind to solutions or choices of other paths. For me, it was so big that I lived most of the time without any goal and wasn’t able to make decisions. Then external circumstances forced me to make changes. It was only when a stalemate arose that I made a change. 
I didn’t live a meaningful life at all and have wandered aimlessly from day to day. Meanwhile, I was drowning in the fantasies of my own confused mind. Have I gotten rid of this completely yet? No, I haven’t. However, I am now consciously trying to rewrite this deep-rooted program of helplessness every day. It starts with deliberate spontaneous changes which I started to introduce into my life. Already this step has an unpleasant feeling that needs to be overcome. By doing so, we change the pattern of action within us. 

Spontaneity also gives us more courage and self-confidence and consequent strength. For example, we walk down the street and notice that everyone walks the same way as robots. Here, for example, we have the opportunity to turn around twice and scream and clap, and in this way allow ourselves to be different from the so-called normal majority. By doing this, we overcome the shame and fear of what others will think of us. 
Overcoming this, however, is crucial so that we can even alow us to be unique and show our true face. This collective normality is like a thick glue from which we aim to get out of. Collective normality is a collective unconscious which has a psychic energy effect on the individual when he exposes himself and tries to keep him in it with fear.