zaterdag 2 november 2019

Declaring Energetic Sovereignty by Jenny Schiltz | Oct 30, 2019

Declaring Energetic Sovereignty
by Jenny Schiltz | Oct 30, 2019 
Declaring Energetic Sovereignty
Where we are now in this process requires our complete dedication.

Dedication in continuing to uncover ourselves by letting go of beliefs, fears, and limitations. It requires our focused intent in creating the new, holding the light steadfast while the old crumbles within and without. We are being asked to stand in the utmost integrity and truth of our being. We are learning to walk in our mastery.

It also requires devotion to our energetic and physical bodies. This is not an easy process to anchor in the higher energies that are available and incoming. It was shown to me that so many of us use our personal energy to help others instead of allowing our frequency and field to do the work. Often times this can create energetic cords that can cause us to constantly leak energy. We can no longer allow anyone to have access to our vital life force. We need every ounce of it to make it through this transition.

It was also shown to me that sometimes people find that something has attached to their energy field simply because they didn’t say no. This is particularly frustrating as often we are unable to see or feel when something has entered our field. If we had, we would have said no. I expressed this frustration and my team recommended that I create a declaration of energetic sovereignty and share it with all who resonate. This too is about mastering our energy field and being radically responsible for it.

Feel free to put it into your own words or use it as is.

I recommend saying this 3 times out loud.

I declare my energetic field to be sovereign and complete. This includes all layers of my aura, subtle bodies, and quantum fields.

I declare that all of my energy that I have given away, left behind or that has been taken from me be returned now. I let go of any energy I may be holding form another as well and it now returns to its rightful owner.

I declare that no one, not any being may enter, attach or take from my energy without my conscious knowledge or permission. This includes family, friends, loved one and anyone simply wishing my light for their own. I revoke all previous permissions I have given knowingly and unknowingly.

I declare that I will no longer give my personal energy to another, rather I will allow my Source filled and Highest Divine field to assist.

This I declare through all timelines, realities, parallel worlds, past lives, and all aspects of self in any realm or dimension.

My energy field is sovereign, whole and complete.

(Say the above 3 times, then the following)

So it is.

It is done.

I hope that this message finds you well. We are in for an exciting ride. We have the 11:11 and 12:12 gateways coming and the Solstice! Powerful energy portals that help to shift our reality within and without. Please join me for the 11:11 Cosmic Gateway Special Group Healing CIrcle, information on registering is below. Sending you all love!

Jenny Schiltz