dinsdag 15 oktober 2019



By Blue Beyond Guide
Anastacia Blue Beyond Guide – 15th October 2019 – Pts 1-3
Dear Masters
A new feeling of new energy is right now coming in as I write this
A wave yesterday afternoon came through of a ‘vacant space’ of a type of shutting down the old computer system, for the new to re-boot and interestingly enough (as this has happened many times over the years) my old pc is shutting down and a new one has been gifted is on the way
As I AM feeling into this, I can feel the New Re-Boot energies start to ‘fill me up’, as I tune into the new for myself – as that is a LOT of what having space and time for oneself and bringing our energy back in over and over and over, in both Spirit and Soul is ‘about’ in this case, not only for our energy protection and allowing others in their spaces to go through what they need to

So the ‘sooner’ one lets go and learns to not ‘control’ what they ‘think’ they need to do, and allow the Divine to show you, and bring through for you your next steps of Divine guidance by having alone time, rest and recovery and nurturing time and SPACE for yourself, the sooner this will come through for you – and this has been coming through for many with stopping them in some way with their health…crunch time HAS ARRIVED as the greatest wake up call for so many in different life changing way
(All previous updates are Ascension Time-Line-Chronicles – please feel free to go back and read as they are ahead of humanity in what is being shared in both Soul and Spirit in depth)
Pulling our energy back in over and over and over from others…not having our hearts out open wide, in realising that not everyone is in the space/or coming from where you are…remember, its insanity energies outside of your world or bubble
And remember protection is needed in both the Human and in Spirit, the astrals as well!
Our emotions are our rudder at the forefront with our Consciousness, for navigating with our Divine Link in both Soul and Spirit
This is NEW NEW NEW even for me! And that is very exciting, for whatever you are going through, the light at the end of the tunnel…
So, as I write this now, and am tuning into all layers and levels, as this does take time to filter through, I AM slowly allowing more insight to come in for me, myself in regards to doing new videos…or to do a new healing process video in particular that is coming in as guided
I could do hundreds of them and keep going as I have so much to share from over the last 24yrs as a Way Seer, yet the Divine guides and leads me to what to share next, for what humanity is needing at this time – as I have been in preparation for this for a very long time now as my energy as a Blue Ray 1, has needed to be kept safe and protected with the Divine, due to my role as I AM here to ‘penetrate the dark forces’ as told by Spirit – and my many experiences of which some I have shared in the past, at the highest of levels in both the Human and in Spirit, the astrals, all the way back to Source – and due to this is the first time this is coming up and out for all of us Blue Rays! How very exciting for us ALL….
So as I AM feeling into this, I can feel it is life giving energy in doing so..and if I waiver off with a thought of adding something or extending to the video, then the energy shifts and can I say a little ‘confusing’ or ‘not sure’ energy comes in, and I know to stop deviating from what the Divine is bringing through and letting me know what to go with
See, even when we are so very tired with our ascension, when we are in the flow with the Divine, with both Soul and Spirit LIFE GIVING ENERGY comes through, for us to do what we need to as part of our journeys. How else could I do all I AM without this link and life giving Divine energy?
PART THREE – NEW VIDEO Healing Process
Again for me this is about doing a new video on a process and maybe soon…
As I have sat with many asking about doing the clock removal or the wagon wheel, yet it has not come to do so..if the energy is not there of the Divine, it doesn’t happen, that is how I ‘roll’…no matter how much I ‘want’ to in the human being…
This is very soul and spirit soothing Divine energy now coming in/through us, to assist us with all we have been going through…
Please know this, even if you are not feeling this right now, just imagine if this was not coming through…as new Divine assistance has come recently to assist us with our New Ascension…
Will share more soon Masters. Keep a look out for the new healing process video…
As always I am right here with you
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos
Blue Ray 1 Monad Elder-WaySeer
Ancient-Future Scribe
Mother of Dragons
Blue Beyond Guide