dinsdag 15 oktober 2019

Light Being ~ Consciously In The 5th Dimension Now ~ L’Aura Pleiadian

Light Being ~ Consciously In The 5th Dimension Now

By: L’Aura Pleiadian
Being Present involves truly being consciously awakened to the now moment.
Being present and entering the 5th Dimensionally consciously ~ WILL require everything of YOU. A complete surrender TO BEING 100 percent present as the true you. 
This  is not a part-time thing, awakening.
You either are or you are not. There is no faking being present.

Well you can try to fake it, everything sooner or later will come crashing down, TO BE shattered, dissolved removed from the subconscious. It takes bravery, trust, and self LOVE. Standing as the truth of your soul. TAKES Everything. 
The higher the levels, the greater the letting go ~ the GREATER the Miracles. 
Therein are the LEVELS. Everything is always unfolding according to your level of consciousness. The levels of NON attachment.
If you ARE Expecting OUTCOMES that fit with your desires, LETTING go of that attachment as well, is the state of pure being here NOW.
I am not saying you will think it is perfect as you SHIFT…or it will feel perfect to you. 
YOU will live as the Divine Being that lives as the limitless Being you already eternally ARE. 
Think about it ~ If we are trying to control an outcome we are being future orientated and not present with now. Stepping into the miracles of being…REQUIRES a level of trust…..and often times at the higher levels, blind trust.
As a small example (will share more) I was guided (heard a voice audibly) to MOVE, quit everything that involved an outcome NOT knowing how to even move let alone pay for place. I Moved, quit things…followed the guidance, and was at least ONE YEAR before I saw everything then change before my eyes.
The REQUIREMENT is LISTENING TO my inner ~ quiet, heart based eternal, guidance.
Often times people fit the idea of intuition and guidance as referring to an OUTCOME other than now.  Intuition is ONLY NOW. Not for a future result, ever. WE walk and talk through the higher dimensions….FOLLOWING what would appear to the mental body as impossible.
LETTING GO of the mental body thoughts and its desire for control as to HOW you live or not live in the present moment IS THE HUGE leap into the 5th dimension ~ Being.
YOU do not take with you my friends, your controlling beliefs of outcomes, YOU step into a new way of being…that says I DO NOT KNOW what will happen I am living as NOW for NOW only and I TRUST with all of my being. I have let go of beliefs. It is all about now and if I am still focusing on results I am holding on to beliefs and attachments in 3D consciousness.
YOU ARE not shown the full results of listening to your guidance and it almost ALWAYS (at the levels of complete miracles requires that leap in faith…Blind faith, whatever you want to call it. It is a LETTING GO OF ATTACHMENTS TO OUTCOMES.
IT may LOOK like the worst things will happen, that is when you know when you keep on going, keep on believing in THE Purity of NOW, that you enter being the INITIATE.
YOU receive initiation after initiation as you live without PROOF of the external, the ETERNAL truth within.
That is the BEING conscious in the 5th Dimension.
DO not know how, do not know when, only know NOW.
IT is a surrender a COMPLETE surrender of the old way of being as YOU enter the 5th Dimension consciously.
Let go now, applying I want this or that….bypasses the awareness of now.
SO simple, right in front of your face. YET it requires letting go of everything. IT is a new way of being. That is when you see and know, the true miracle of letting go of all attachments.
Who can do so?
The imitated BEINGS who master FORM. The Ascended ones. You as you are ready, we activate you now. With The Divine Council of Overseers ~ in Love and Glory, ALL NOW, and so it is!