zaterdag 19 oktober 2019

Amanda Lorence ~ At this final stage

At this final stage, before a final living death in the next 3 months for some, which is before the final re-birth, that leads into an initially gentle alteration in state, then a final and sudden consciousness state change:
Some NOW go into semi-TRANSIENT state. Linear thought function is turned down. Literally less thoughts and less thinking occurs without even trying to quieten the mind. Being ENERGY and feeling ENERGY via our 4 bodies, turns up big time. 

Huge ability to feel everything. Our experience, programming is over-written as we become even more, energy aware beings. Within this energetic presence we become, it is felt within as bliss, peace, harmony, balance.... and, a continuous influx into us of the energy of LOVE, that we then emit OUT, as energy. 
No words are necessary, the energy transmits from us all, it flows OUT of us. We are becoming acutely aware of this consciously. We feel energy physically as we receive it and give it out to all, in service to the whole. Becoming purer and purer conscious conduits.
Keep going beautiful’s real. Previous existence was the actual dream.
Allow your journey...resistance only gets in the way of your beautiful, pure, emerging essence. The real YOU. I love you...
One Love
Amanda Lorence