maandag 2 september 2019

Angela Jones ~ A Call to Unity

A Call to Unity

Step out of your earthly stories, Sisters!
Lifters of the veil,
Your traumas rewound us all
On a planetary scale.

The fruit was not forbidden
And though you took a bite,
Don’t judge yourself for hunger
Keepers of the light!

You weren’t wrong to love
you’re not designed to hate,
Illusion still surrounds you
Truth’s hidden in this state.

You are awakening, yes!
However, you’re not awake.
We must connect our hearts now,
Meet me in The Lake

Wounds have dimmed our light,
It’s time to release them all.
It’s time to rise together,
We’ve survived the fall!

Return yourselves to center—
Maidens, mothers, crones!
In the Lake of Avalon,
Beyond the reach of drones. 

Our traumas were co-created,
From unhealed timelines merged. 
Our healed timeline is here, 
With all our darkness purged. 

Rise and be healed, Sisters!
Spinners of the wheel!
Weavers of the web!
Rise above and heal!

Ripple forth and heal the world;
our fathers and our brothers.
Wield light swords at the darkness
Not the hearts of others.

Within each heart truth’s flame
Lights the rest with love. 
Rise from within our waters, now!
As below, so now above. 

The roots support the trees
As love supports the light.
For so long we’ve been unseen,
Sisters of the sight.

Emerge from Avalon now!
Divine ones of the word:
You’re safe, loved and supported.
It’s our turn to be heard!

Truth your bloodlines bring,
From ancient times and places. 
From history to herstory
They will know our names and faces. 

All we are is love, Sisters. 
Tell me, can you feel it?
It’s time upon our Mother Earth
To rise above and heal it.