woensdag 18 september 2019

angelgoodsonadams ~ My Darling

My Darling, you weren’t just born to liberate yourself from this illusion to which we have all unwittingly subscribed.⁣

You have been born to simultaneously discover, reveal, ascend into and embody your Sovereign Divinity & in so doing, to liberate your fellow man from suffering also – as an Angel amongst men.⁣

My Sacred Love, this world has cut off your wings so many times that when you were born ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ, it may have appeared that you did not even have any. It may still appear that way to you, but I can assure you baby – if you are reading these words now, it is because your True Divine Angelic nature is communicating to you in no uncertain terms that you are indeed an Angelic Sacred that has chosen to obliterate the seemingly indestructible web of lies that we have all been born into, to still the noise that tries to tell your mind who it is & to breathe life into the Sacred Chalice of your Invincible Heart.⁣

To STILL THE NOISE that tries to tell you who you are & to activate the expression of your own Invincible Nature!⁣

And when you do… The web of lies that once appeared so intricately woven that it might never be undone, will so easily loosen its grip on your precious mind, enough that you might step clear.⁣

I’m not gonna’ lie, it takes a dedication to yourself that you may not have known before. It takes a commitment to Truth, Freedom & Love. It takes a commitment to breaking the insidious addiction to the things that undermine Truth, Freedom & Love.⁣

It takes a commitment to turning the tables on everything you’ve ever been told & to seeking the truth only from within, because THAT is where the truth lies & if you doubt me baby, then for Heaven’s sake, start listening to your Heart & STOP listening to your mind.⁣

For until now your mind has been believing too many of the lies. Far too many of the lies. In fact, your mind can’t even conceive the depth of the deception & honestly we needn’t try, because the time has come… & we must be done feeding those lies. Feeding them with our hearts. Our minds. Our bodies. Our sex & our dreams, as we have done for so long.⁣

So yes, here & now in THIS moment.
So yes, here & now in THIS moment, we have an opportunity to choose. You have an opportunity to choose – Who are you baby… WHO. ARE .YOU?⁣
I’m not asking your mind… Your mind is on a ‘lie rehabilitation program’ for now. So thanks mind, just chill for a bit, we got this one…⁣
I’m asking you to consult the truth inside you, the place your true power emanates from.⁣
I’m asking you a question that your mind cannot answer until it has been rehabilitated from the lifetime habit of asking that question to the external world… until it has been recalibrated to tune into the frequency of what is real – what is true… until we haven’t just turned the tables on the lies of the external world but knocked the fucking legs off - so the tables come tumbling down. ⁣
⁣My Darling – No one in this world can ever tell you who you are… It’s not even possible because you are pure unlimited consciousness manifesting as yourself into each moment – born anew into each moment – and that is only for YOU to choose. ⁣
⁣No one can ever make you anything – with their opinion or their words or in how they treat you… that is only – can only – ever be for you to choose!⁣

But let me tell you this My Darling; if you don’t choose… if you don’t bring your consciousness & your heart to that choice in each moment, then the world WILL tell you over & over again who you are & if you didn’t know better, you might have just started to believe, you might…. have believed all along. ⁣
Trust me baby – the version of you this world would have you believe – is wrong…⁣

Not only is it wrong – it feels fucking awful compared to the Magnificent Truth of who you really are… so here’s an incredibly powerful guide you can use for the rest of your life:⁣

If you’re feeling bad about who you are… You’re just believing the lies…⁣
And the good news is – you can stop – right now – stop this very second you can stop believing the lies & activate the invincible seed of truth inside you that will tell you who you really are.
Hot tip: YOU feel - AH – MAY – ZING! The lies – Feel like shit.⁣
You – Amazing… The lies – Shit….⁣
We good? ;-)⁣
My Biggest, Grandest, Shiniest Love to you this day my Sacred Angels (Yes YOU!)⁣