woensdag 29 mei 2019

We are in the midst of a vast expansion of energy and energy fields ~ Judith Kusel


We are in the midst of a vast expansion of energy and energy fields, such as never happened before.
I shown so much in the last week or so, regarding the earth and its energy fields and what is now awakening to much higher degree.

It is immense and intense.

You will feel at times as if you are hardly touching ground, as the changes are pouring in. You will be twirled and swirled into much higher frequency bands which can lead to ungroundedness as times, if your grounding cords are not firmly planted into Mother Earth. It is best to call in Archangel Sandalphon to help ground you.

The third eye and throat chakras are opening. You will start finding your inner vision expand. You intuition will sharpen. You will have insights and visions as never before.

Allow this expansion to happen, for we are stepping more into the higher frequency bands as the 5D is truly being anchored in now to the highest degrees.

Judith Kusel
Photo: Judith Kusel photographing a vortex energy