Transformation: Light Tribe Choice Point
Nov 2, 2017
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe
Gatekeepers opened this week for the November 3 – 8 influx. It is a strong
cosmic opening, let us actively utilize this Light to amplify the Primary
Christed timeline experience for all concerned.
Our focus has been on overriding the delay tactics in the Secondary
timelines, in order to reveal the higher Christed timeline experience to all
willing hearts. As always, individual choice is honored – and amplified – as
the energies increase. Overriding is easier since the eclipse and opening of
the Trinity Stargates, because the experience of crystalline consciousness
grows stronger in the Light Tribe. Lean into that Cosmic Wind and merge with
it; your Divine Self is returning to you.
Collective Focus: Triggering
the Sacred Passage
Another timeline choice-point opportunity is upon us. Gatekeepers,
Gridworkers, Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Starseeds; the invitation to engage with
the Cosmic Stargates has presented for Gaia, Solaris and Divine HUmans in
service. We are in a sacred passage now; the November – December Gateway which
holds deep support for our expansion and Ascension. This passage amplifies our
desires, intentions and connections with pure Source consciousness. Call forth
the wonderful, the unexpected, the boundless.
This year has revealed expansive levels of consciousness, the
multidimensional self, and evolving skill sets as embodiment becomes a
consistent, palpable experience for many Wayshowers. The strongest revelation
during this timeline split is Self-Realization of Unity Consciousness, which
directly affects the activation of our DNA. The reactivation of crystalline
consciousness within the HUman genome on this planet has a quantum effect.
Anything resonating close to Divine Love can be granted the opportunity of
Ascension if the heart chooses to surrender to it.
Beloveds, your unwavering faith in the intuitive heart-seeded path of
Ascension has unlocked the Gateway of Christed DNA. The resonance of your DNA
is speaking to, and interacting with, the cosmic consciousness of Gaia,
Solaris, Galactic levels and Universal Creator levels. DNA speaks to the
cosmos; use your internal cosmic microphone to broadcast pure LoveLight as we
interact with the Cosmic Stargates during this passage.
This is a grand opportunity for the High-Vibe Tribe to co-create a
consistent experience of the Primary Christed timelines of Ascension for many
more souls. Gateways open for good reason; We align with the influx of cosmic
support and use it to create peace, harmony, collective timeline correction and
Ascension. You can feel it; this sacred passage can shift the trajectory for
the collective.
Balance and Division; A
Temporary Unfoldment
The frequencies of pure Source experienced while engaging with Gatework,
Gridwork, creative Wayshowing and collective meditations are magnetizing
incredibly high levels of Light. The balancing act of increased polarization in
lower consciousness is not a concern. It is a temporary side-effect which
paradoxically assists the path of Mastery. I AM reminded of a message from
As you near the finish line in this marathon,
focus intently on the goal. Many will stand on the sidelines shouting and
waving colorful flags to distract you from the path. Ignore the flag-wavers,
they have no power unless you grant it to them.
I trust you will interpret the metaphors correctly. Choose your focus
Co-Creations and Busy-ness
My annual Gatekeeper retreat approaches quickly. I remain flexible in this
Now Light, however the sense of delving into complete Gatekeeper focus in
December is very present in my awareness. I have enjoyed overriding the lower
timelines with movement toward new creations, and continue to take action on
the New. The excitement of New Earth consciousness right here, right now gains
intensity as the linear time experience dissolves.
The bliss of Unity Consciousness is a strong elixir; the effect on the
body, emotions, mind and multidimensional Self is indescribable. Surrendering
to the transformation of embodiment and the joy of service aligns us in the Now
with past, present and future Selves. The merge grows stronger, and the
out-of-time miracle zone is created right in our own beingness. How blessed we
are to experience this Divine Self-Realization as Source reconnects the
fractals of itself.
Unified Focus on Friday,
November 3rd for the Full Moon at 10:24pm PT. Gates are
already open, let us infuse the lower timelines, grids and HUman Heart
collective with pure LoveLight. Adepts, connect with the Cosmic Stargates
during this passage to open the pathways to the New Earth experience for all
Thursday, November 8th I will connect with Brandon Beachum on the Positive Head Podcast. Brandon
is a very dedicated Wayshower who interviews consciousness-expanding change
makers each week. Listen in at
SUNday Unity Meditations are stronger than ever. Participants have noted how we can feel our
consciousness connecting prior to the meditations, like a Unity Consciousness
magnet. The intensity of visions and pure frequencies during the meditations
continues to expand. So much more occurs than meditation; this pure field
builds with our consistent practice. We connect in peace each SUNday at 8:11am,
11:11am and 5:11pm PT. (A linear reminder: Standard time zones, set your clocks
back Saturday night.) All are welcome to join us as we hold peace, LoveLight
and Pure Source consciousness. Details and a free guided journey HERE.
Blessings and gratitude to all who are pushing through their self-imposed
barriers, personal delays, and the aches and pains of expanding to this next
level of Light. We are changing everything, on so many levels, for so many. You are witnessed, beloveds.
In Love, Light and Service,