zaterdag 23 december 2023

It’s getting tricky out there! ~ Lorie Ladd

It’s getting tricky out there!
and the more confused or distracted you become the less empowered you become. The less empowered, the more you can be controlled.
The clearest channel to tune into is your own.
it’s all about discernment…
Whta is YOUR truth, not anyone else’s?
EMPOWERMENT, feeling YOU. Feeling ALIGNED as you with you. Clear, direct alignment with your truth.
Question eveything
Listen to the beat of your own inner knowing Trust you!
Energy doesn’t lie but it can be tricky to feel.
Which is why, the more you feel the more free you become. The more you feel the less you can be controlled.
Why? Becuase you arent afraid of feeling AND you can discern energies, especially energies that are trying to manipulate or control you.
Stop listening to what everyone else is thinking and start listening to the Essence inside of you that will always be the light. Let the Light of you shine through all disception. DISCERN.
Get quiet. Get still. Listen. Feel