donderdag 7 juli 2022

We incarnated here to awaken to who we truly are, not to heal the world ~ Obi Ejimbe

We incarnated here to awaken to who we truly are, not to heal the world

In absolutely every corner of this planet, in every imaginable circumstance, you have already played every role possible. The universal currents far beyond your physical body have been guiding you.

Some people have the emotional capacity of a rock, you cannot be blamed for that.
In things that don’t resonate with your soul, don’t feel guilty for questioning blind faith in them.

Any one of your many lifetimes did not decide the fate of this world.
It is not for you to carry the problems of the world.
You are not contained here. You are so much more than just a human being.
The God-realised cannot be contained by anything in any universe.

The chaos we are witnessing around the world today is anchored in the human mind, and is contradictory to the intuition of the soul.

Whatever isn't of the purity of love, and not conducive to your ascension must be Let Go...
Unless they vibrate on a soul level, relationships and attachments fall away the moment your physical body dies. The journey of your soul is eternal.

When you know you are love, there is nothing to fear.
In everything that exists, you are the beauty within.
The reason why they exists, is you.
Until next time Soul Fam

Obi Ejimbe