donderdag 7 juli 2022

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence

Just responding to a recent question that I’ve covered in previous years but I know will hopefully help explain what I describe (in linear words) as LIGHT LAWS:
If you look at below graphics I created in 2013, as light nodes that when placed, create LIGHT PATTERNS in different formations. Now imagine MANY hues (as I only drew them in purple), and times (x) many patterns in many hues by a million or so different patterns. Then add MOVING VIBRATIONAL LAYERS to all those different LIGHTED DESIGNS. As a very rough guide, it would give you the idea of ONE DIMENSION. Just ONE dimension! And it’s LIGHT LAWS that allow the affects and experiences within one dimension. Created and positioned nodes of light and vibration.

Imagine that one light pattern has an affect. So you could then say that just one light law has a purpose or more accurately a FUNCTION. It is a LIGHT LAW or LIGHTED design, created by God, that affects, and therefore causes experiences to occur within that dimension. And there are as you know many dimensions. Also a field of infinite space beyond dimensions.

Another example of a light law, is to imagine a colour of light (a hue) created by Source/God. As examples the light hues could be red and blue. Each hues are different frequencies. Their light, vibration and frequency create effect that creates AFFECT. So a hue of colour also has a purpose and a FUNCTION created by Source/God BUT that hue of coloured LIGHT has different effects based on which dimension the colour of light is placed into. And the arrangement of hues within a dimension, and arrangement of LIGHTED PATTERNS and vibrational bandwidth within ONE dimension. Light colours (hues), work differently in each dimension. So have a different effect based on the dimensions bandwidth frequencies. This is why I never speak or write about masculine or feminine as a subject, because at higher FREQUENCY masculine is blue hue and feminine red hue in frequency understanding…the hue of a blue is electric and hue of red is magnetic. BOTH have a purpose and a FUNCTION, and act a certain way based on dimension. And again, a dimensions bandwidth frequency allows for whatever LIGHT LAWS are present within that dimension.
Think of a computer operating system as another analogy for a dimension…Some computer operating systems can’t perform tasks due to limited power, limited data, limited programming. Upgrade the system and it can perform more tasks unavailable at lower operating systems. Dimensions could be likened to computer operating systems in that way. That were always in place and creation by Source/God, whether seen or unseen.
At will, in our daily intention and choices of being, and ALSO via incoming energy the collective is receiving at increasing levels of FREQUENCY and more and more LIGHTED PATTERNS, we can upgrade our own operating system. To MATCH or align to, a higher frequency dimension and all of that dimensions LIGHT LAWS. Where some experiences are not available in example 5d eg. Polarity, judgement and Division. That are available in 3d and 4d. And similarly, higher frequency experiences are available in 5d, 7d, 9d etc. that are not available in 3d and 4d.
Whilst the creations of LIGHT LAWS can be perceived as complex, God/Source made it simple. Very simple. For every being experiencing a human life form. We raise our own INTERNAL FREQUENCY, through LOVE. Which elevates us to higher frequency perceptional experience, consciousness wishes us to expand into. Love is each one’s Key to infinite Gateways. To know the Love of God within you and outside of you. And why, I say “LOVE, has many Octaves”…to experience in eventually every moment…As God’s Love.
Amanda Lorence
07 July 2022