donderdag 7 juli 2022

The Sirius Alignment ~ A Gift From Gaia

The Sirius Alignment

Today is the day of the exact alignment in which our Sun aligns with the Central Sun or the Blue Sun named Sirius, and “we” knowingly and also unknowingly (no one can ever be “left behind”) begin to form new pathways of higher intelligence that create interesting pull and push effects turning us off from what was once normalised and on to what next feels good, these experiences at first can feel like a Divine Sent experience, however the more the mind and space reflection is understood the more clearly it is seen how this time governed system that we awaken to operates and moves us together much like a starling murmuration or the fractal magnificence of the Mandelbrot Set.

Before we come to connect the dots of time and space and re-member who and what we are the stars act as the perfect navigational chart that will guide you through the seas of consciousness that you get to sail through in order to understand what is happening, who you are, and what is the purpose to all of this.

I see us as stargates, an intricate mesh of alignments that if we were to see the energetic strings you would look like a web of light, or if we were to listen as a frequency it would sound like a range of celestial notes, you are essentially a song within a song, a verse within the Uni-Verse, within the multiverse as well as the most spectacular light show ever known to man.

It was understanding the stargates, or the astrology that really kickstarted my spiritual quest and helped me to understand exactly the spectrum of who I could be, from the hellish experience of being so separated from God and lost in my mind, to the heavenly experience, at One with God and all things where I found myself to be content, settled, secure and stable.

The Sirius Alignment is the alignment of the minds, your mind, the higher mind, and the Universal mind. The Sun is the reflection of our crown chakra and Sirius is the God Spot, a higher intelligence that is so distant from who we are today yet not so far that it is out of our realm reach and energetic pull should you wish to reap and magnify the experience through turning your attention and giving your awareness as a sign of your commitment to your quest. Again, whether you focus or not doesn’t change anything other than your energetic position in the murmuration, so imagine the collective as the murmuration, there are those who are on the leading edge and you have those who are central and all those in between that create the entire moving pattern. Of course, this is my translation of the patterns that I get to see, trying to describe the indescribable is an interesting task so please take what resonates with your current filter and park that which doesn’t.

The Sirius Alignment is a time of meditation and contemplation with the focus on Divine Love and the release of judgement from your stellar system, ultimately when the stars align we take a step closer to God which is only possible when we choose to release the only thing that stands in our way from realising the truth of who we are, which is judgement.

The Sirius Alignment is best spent as a day of silence, a day to push to one side the distractions of the physical realm and instead tend to the fields of the spiritual and the mental, reordering the value systems so that the fluid formation of the formless into form can teach you and reveal to you the operations of life itself.

Imagine you, facing the higher mind (sun) and behind this sits the mind of God, how would you turn up for such an occasion?

Then that is the vibration of the alignment for you…