woensdag 20 juli 2022



Is truly about us RE-MEMBERING THE REAL TRUTH! All else is part of the illusion, the Maya of the Mind that has created the simulation and artificial algorithms, whilst disconnected from its Source, its Heart and Soul. We dissolve the remaining false, artificial Matrix holographic overlays by SEEing THROUGH THE ILLUSIONS! Re-membering y/our One True Self. Awakening from the dream within the dream within the dream, that was all build on artificial algorithms now dissolving along with all the other limiting, false, inverted programming/ thought forms and beliefs that the fear Matrix was build upon. Thoughts (create) matter.

All comes back to the way we perceive our self, others and the world, whether we believe we live in a benevolent Universe or not, this decides which kind of Realities we co-create! It's an INSIDE OUT JOB, reality doesn't just happen to us!! WE CAME TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!! God's boots on the ground. WE ARE THE GUARDIANS and Ascended Masters that create Universe's and World's, ALL FROM WITHIN!! Re-member your One True Self Beloveds, re-member, IT IS TIME! The simulation is about to go offline as we re-claim our True Kryst-All Diamond Avatar Self, our true memories, race and history records which are our Divine Blueprints, our gifts and abilities. OUR true POWER!! ALL FROM WITHIN! Powerful FINAL inner and outer VEIL removal in progress. Inner and outer disclosures accelerate. PERCEPTIONS OF WHAT REALIty IS SHIFTS. This is what SHIFTs REALITY. Krystal Clarity prevails. As our multidimensional Crystalline DNA, Diamond Plasma Rainbow Lightbody, memories, power, gifts and abilities reactivate fully now! Having cleared/ clearing much distortions/ mutations/ old karmic and ancestral imprints and programs. This is a process outside of linear time, different for each, but we are now collectively reaching the point of The Event Horizon, which is where all time ends, past, present and future meet and all merges and collapses as ONE within the Zero Point field, RE-BIRTHING us ALL AS/ into ONE Organic Creatrix field and experience. The One True Organic Ascension Timeline/ Realities. As we re-birth our One True Self. Back to the Future, where we belong! As if it never happened but with the lessons learned, now that we know better we are ready to begin ALL NEW! Leaving the fallen Realities and inverted beliefs behind, as if awakening from a bad dream, that we re-member was never real to begin with.. Stay grounded Stay neutral BE DIVINE LOVE Keep standing in your TRUTH, in your power and knowing, in your own Sovereignty above all else! Keep SURRENDERING TO SOURCE to become atONE with ALL! Where no-thing lies outside of us, all of the Cosmos right there, all within. And remember, each ONE of us is, overall, playing a role, nothing is personal. This is about the EXPANSION and reconciliation OF THE ONE Collective / Cosmic CONSCIOUSNESS. THE FULL RESET from distorted Polarity to Unity/ God Source/ Cosmic Consciousness COMPLETES NOW FOR ALL. After all, there truly is only ONE of us here. This is us returning HOME all from within. NOW-HERE to go to. HOME is right there inside of our sacred Krystal Hearts πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’™ Eternal Love & Blessings, Ramona πŸ’™