dinsdag 26 juli 2022

Energy Update ~ Pars Kutay

The next several days are going to BE Powerful as We are in the “Galactic New Year” today July 25th and the New Moon on July 28th.
PORTALS Are Overlapping.
ENERGETICS from BEyond our Solar System are affecting our planet as well.
WE Are increasing in LIGHT. . . but as per usual. . . there are “Light Activation Experiences” (LAE) that come with the process. . . Known more often as “Ascension Symptoms”.
This type of “Ascension” refers to Elevating in Consciousness.
As the EMERALD TABLET Teaches: “GOD is LIGHT. . . and All things come from LIGHT.
GOD’s MIND is LIFE and LIGHT.” Remember, “Mind” is “Consciousness”. The Sanskrit term for “Mind” is “Manas”.
At All Times. . . Humanity is either Elevating to HIGHER STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS or devolving to lower states. People can choose either road—HIGH or low.
If they choose the HIGH ROAD. . . they have chosen SOURCE LIGHT FREQUENCY. . . and they are then the “Chosen Ones”.
To BE “Chosen” is NOT based upon so-called “race”, “culture”, or “religion”.
WE can “Choose” to BE “Chosen” to Elevate by Embracing the LIGHT.
Happy Galactic New Year and the NEW Cosmic Cycle Dear Ones!