maandag 18 juli 2022

Energy Update ~ Mary Long

There is a lot expanding in our awareness, not sure if everyone is experiencing this.

As I said a few days ago how everything feels different, it is quite surreal, and you just can't find the words to describe it.

I hear many sounds, some I have never heard before. It is like my hearing has enhanced in some way.

My Eyes have been quite blurred for the last 2 weeks, yet last night while I walked around the yard with my flashlight, I could literally see energy coming out of the grass.

It was cloudy here and I went to lay in my hammock and look up at the sky and all of a sudden, the clouds moved so I could see the stars.
There is so much being presented to us these days Loves, but if you are all wrapped up in the outer distractions you will miss them.

So much activity right now, within and without, if one is observant enough and tuned into the energies, you will feel it as well as see many things you haven't seen before.
These are amazing moments that will also help expand your awareness and innerstand that the only way out is inward.

Many will begin to feel this as these celestial energies continue to surround Mother Earth like a Blanket of Love. Some will not choose to open up to it, we pray and meditate that all will but there are many still living within their own fears and suffering.

Let go of all that distracts you and tune into your Heart Space.
Keep cultivating the Love Dear Ones, Feeling is vibrantly.

Have a Beautiful Sunday afternoon