zondag 24 juli 2022

Energy Update ~ Aluna Joy

“There is so much rarified, etheric support flowing from higher realms to lift you out of all the defending noise of the crumbling world, and up into the realm of new higher frequencies and experiences. The higher realms have manifested a new foundation in this emerging future world.

Many of your higher selves, in tandem with the company of heaven, the Ascended Masters, the Elohim, your guides, and the legions of light, have built this foundation. This new world is your collective creation and each one has a part to play in this creation. Everything beyond this time will be original and indigenous to this new cycle.

This new world has more freedom, and less limitations, boundaries or borders, but also comes with more responsibilities and accountability. To enter this time, you must let go of all that is dissolving around you. It is time to step into clear new frequencies and allow all that is new within to rise up with a divine centeredness and profound congruency.” … The Star Elders

There has certainly been a build up around this years LIONS GATE (happening on 8.8.22). If feels much more powerful and life altering than ever before. It feels like we are about to step in to our new lives. Finally! It has been a radical life defining year. I am not in the same place nor am I the same person as well. Anything that was out of balance in my energy field was stripped away from me, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I am not sure where all this is going, but I feel an odd security, in this insecurity.

The world is also in a very different place since 2012. This was the beginning of a massive transfiguration process of our reality. This process has accelerated even more dramatically in the last 12 months. We are surfing the center of the first Katun (A 20 year cycle in the Mayan calendar). We are setting the foundation, our new living intent, for the rest of this 26,000 and even 104,000 year cycle!

We are now moving past the place where we have been emptied of many things. This was a place in time that radially and unexpectedly transformed our lives. We are no longer who we were before. In many instances we don’t even recognize the old self anymore. Now we wait to see what will begin to fill this sacred space we created within us. We are awaiting the arrival of our new creation.
So today, take a long sacred pause, and look back at yourself twelve months ago. Who was that echo of your former self? What was your main focus back then? How did the world feel to you? Doesn’t it feel like an entire lifetime has past!?
Now, take a look at who you have evolved into now. What is now filling your mind, and especially what is filling your heart today? Can you see and feel the changes within you? Have you not broken free of many old repeating patterns? Have you not cut ties from old ancestral programming that were not empowering you? Are you seeing glimpses of a new fresh reality about to emerge? Doesn’t it feel like a breath of fresh air? The future is filled with the potential of infinite possibility from which you will create anew. Give yourself freely to these new realities. Throw yourself with wild abandon into this new future. Embrace this time and celebrate it! Give thanks for this rebirthing.
What has been the biggest change in your life these past 12 months? Share if you are called to in the comments. We are always enriched by many and diverse perspectives.
If you are in an abundant place, any donation is helpful as I realign my offerings with the new frequencies. The incoming messages always have priority over all other things. https://www.alunajoy.com/heartdonation.html