vrijdag 5 maart 2021

Monthly Astro Forecasts March 2021 ~ Sarah-Jane

As the wheel of the year starts to turn once again, the longer days bring more than sunlight, they bring a sense of hope and optimism for a brighter future. Each of us are beginning to find our way through the darkness as we turn towards the sun within our hearts and souls. Just as a bulb bursts through the soil and starts to flower in the light, we are beginning to see the fruition arising from a long period of inner cultivation.

March is typically a time for a ‘Spring Clean’ as the longer days bring energy and motivation, and this year it seems important to expand this to all levels – from our living space to our thoughts, beliefs and ideas. It’s time to travel more lightly and to have more space within to rest in peace and creativity. Of course, it can be hard to let go of ideas and beliefs, even when they’re crumbling and turning to dust; it’s their familiarity that brings comfort, so letting them go can leave us feeling a little vulnerable and exposed. However, as part of our evolution, it’s important to be willing to let go in order to open the door to new potential and possibility. If we remain crammed full of everything we’ve collected along the path in life, we become weighed down and unable to move freely, and if we’re saturated with ‘the old’ there is no room to let anything new into our hearts and souls. The phrase ‘less is more’ is so often true.

Letting go and spring cleaning can create spaces, but it’s important we don’t rush to fill those spaces as we need some breathing space and time to re-balance. Space isn’t something to fill or fear, it’s an opportunity to rest and become more conscious of life. We so often feel a sense of urgency to fill in the spaces as we’re so used to having things to do, people to see, places to go and stuff filling up our lives. Yet, it’s only when we realise space is our friend, we begin to see the potential and possibility that resides there.

Space isn’t doing nothing, it’s not being lazy or self-indulgent. Space is simply the gaps in-between everything else. It’s a bit like the pause between the in breath and the out breath, that moment where we do neither one nor the other. That pause matters. Building an awareness of space and being willing to embrace ‘less is more’ looks set to pave the way for a more conscious way of living and being. Many of us go through life not noticing the life we are living, and we can switch off and desensitise ourselves from the beauty and majesty all around us. In short, we become so focused on ‘keeping on keeping on’, that we move into autopilot and lose our natural connection and interconnection to the world in which we live.

The more willing we are to let go of the clutter, to live more simply and to embrace ‘space’, the more we realise just how distracting the clutter has become. It’s time to live with more intention rather than ticking along on autopilot. It’s time to live more consciously, focusing on the things that are truly important. It’s also time to connect with the universe, to be present in the moment, and to learn the art of truly listening once again.

Whilst there will always be things to do, places to go and people to see, there is a need to acknowledge the fact that life isn’t just about ticking off ‘to do’ lists or getting from a to b. Life is unknowable and uncertain, and the more we embrace ‘less is more’, the more we see just how much stuff we cram into our lives that really isn’t that important. Instead of being slaves to email, smartphones and ‘to do’ lists, sometimes it’s good to switch off completely and instead connect with the birdsong, the wind in the trees and the natural world. We are not isolated islands and simply cannot sustain our souls without connection.

It seems time now to be willing to pause, notice and to let go, breathing deeply into the moment and allowing a richer way of living and being to unfold. The more we yield to the power of the breath, the more we re-balance and feel whole. This allows us to find peace with the unknowable nature of life, to have the courage to let our true essence flow freely, and to realise that we truly are vibrant, resilient and magnificent souls. As we each de-clutter, there’s an opportunity to re-discover the potential, inspiration and creativity that resides within. Once again, it’s time to nurture our gifts, to set them free and to breathe wholeheartedly into life…

For now, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.

With love,

As you continue to connect more consciously and more wholeheartedly to your inner light, there is a sense that you are beginning to feel more finely tuned when it comes to listening to your intuition. Although you have always been deeply aware of the ebb and flow of the currents of life, when things get busy or chaotic, you can lose sense of this and sometimes feel as though you are a little boat being tossed around in a stormy sea. When you breathe deeply and pause, you reconnect to your inner light and this allows you to see the bigger picture and to find stillness even in stormy seas. Your gift for re-balancing is phenomenal, but it’s easy to lose sight of your gifts and intuition when life feels so full of responsibilities and things to do. Yet, it’s important to honour these gifts as they are the tools to guide you forwards in life with courage, strength and inspiration. As you look beyond the boundaries of your life, March looks set to be a time for reflection and review as you contemplate your true priorities and begin to see new ways to work with the light within your heart and soul more consciously.

In some ways, you seem compartmentalised between ‘keeping on keeping on’ and the breathing space where you are in-tune with the light within, yet there is no reason to keep these separate as surely by bringing everything together you will be more able to make conscious choices as to how to live the best life possible? It really is time for you to think about what makes your heart sing and to realise that your heart ‘singing’ doesn’t have to be a pipe dream as you have the wisdom, tenacity and creativity to live your best life. Believe in yourself and know that you have exactly everything you need to shine…