This SUNDAY is the FULL MOON in Libra at 3:48pm AST. This week we are experiencing the building up of energies to the moment of this Full Moon.
Mercury in Pisces, is not functioning in a clear way. It is messy, distracting and focus may be more challenging. Mars is squaring Mercury also. The fight with no clarity, may become intense into Wednesday.
Mercury is NOW approaching the North Node. Mercury will be conjunct the North Node during the FULL MOON also.
Venus is getting purified by the Sun starting late Friday Night into the FULL MOON moment and into Monday with CHIRON being present. The purification may involve healing pain within.
The Full Moon will be opposite Venus, the Full Moon will be trine Saturn and Venus will sextile Saturn. As well as CHIRON will conjunct the Sun and Venus (which will be purified) and will be opposite the FULL MOON.
This may bring up many painful memories. ALONG with it are the energies of purification, with Venus being cleansed by the SUN, then CHIRON there and ready to make clear what needs to heal.
There are many levels to this and each person is impacted uniquely. Some of you may not even feel these energies. For some this may be profound.
Healing rituals, listening to sacred transmissions of love. Preparing to release that which you know may still be filled with pain inside will be a profound ACT of self love, to yourself.
Open up to yourself, either way and allow all to be purified within your consciousness. Open to this, even NOW.
We activate you in this, healing, expanding, miraculous Journey to the core of you, the HEART. The eternal self. The DIVINE Human GOD self. In love we initiate you NOW.