woensdag 3 maart 2021

Energy Update ~ Alexander Quinn

Dear Starseeds and Lightworkers
Do you have any idea of what an incredible job you all are doing at this difficult moment in time? Your star families and Angels are applauding you. You are in bed and night and they are all around you celebrating at what you are overcoming and developing into!

The changes you all are going through mentally, physically, career changes, relationship changes, diet changes, becoming awake is incredible. Starseeds you are waking so fast that some of you don't even know whether its day and night! Give yourself an especially large pat on the back and go look in the mirror and say these words
"Your doing and incredible job - Its time to give myself the credit now Look where I am compared to just 6-12 Months ago!"

And finally I want to finish with the old souls. I am an old soul ET. I've been here many times. I've been through the not wanting to be here stage, the self loathing stage, the lack of confidence stage. I came out of all of it. I remember nights when I used to look at the stars at night and beg them to take me away, that was until I found my path.

Dear old souls some of you are finding this time of great transition so very difficult. There are so many changes and so many of you are tired. You feel like you've done your mission, you've had enough and you want to just go. When will the pain end? I was there once. This is the news I have.

Big intel is starting to break. Big truths are already coming out NOW. When you run a marathon you feel tired at the end because it been a long run. Your about to cross the finish line. The universe is restructuring elements of your life right now so that you can be in a better position than ever before. You are transforming into a new person and healing your own identity. I know so many of you are hurting at the moment because so many of you write to me and I feel each and everyone of you. I see all your messages.

Please hold tight. This time is necessary. This must come to surface for dismissal. Take day at a time. allllll my love. Your biggest fan, supporter of all starseeds and lightworkers. I will continue to be there for you all as best I can, as I have been for many months now.
