donderdag 4 juni 2020

Sacred Geometric Explosion of Self-Expression By Gregory Trollip

Sacred Geometric Explosion of Self-Expression

By Gregory Trollip
Once upon a time Creation began with a Sacred Geometric explosion of Self Expression and has ever Since continued to Expand itself in an orderly Numerical Sequence of Energetic Vibrations and Frequencies. Only humanity think that they are exempt from Universal Law paying little attention to the Ever present Signs. Humanity take everything personally lost in the illusory concept of separation and the dreaded Self importance. Energy has no bias, it Simply behaves in accordance with the Law of sowing and reaping. No matter what you are going through right Now it is Simply a reflection of your feeling state and a Divine mirror for past thoughts words and actions. 
The Source of All Energy is LOVE that flows with precision, perfection and Balance. When you are Aligned with All that is, Magical moments and Synchronostic events lead the way as you Embody the Highest timeline of Truth and Authenticity. Energy knows only 1 thing and that is constant change as Love is Forever in Service to the Greater good of All. 

The pain and suffering is a side effect of thinking we know better than Prime Source Creator, an energetic disorder created in the ego mind of Self indulgence. All the ‘drama’ happening on the planet right Now is Simply an Energetic volcanic eruption necessary to realign the Divine Cosmic Blueprint of Love Everywhere Present. 
Taking Energy personally is like getting angry with the mirror, it Simply reflects your imbalance and lack of Selflove. To project your feelings into the Universal mirror of Truth is to ask 4 more of the same. Every being you encounter is an Energetic mirage designed by your HigherSelf to bring forth an Awareness within of the Oneness of All things. 
Everything and everyone is our teacher, shadows that activate our feeling centres to ReHeart us of the Divinity within.. made in the likeness and image of the Immaculate Conception of All things once upon a time… How could you possibly be anything other than Energy? It is time for humanity to take responsibility for their feelings as the free Will experiment has been abolished and so no more dysfunctions will be tolerated. Humanity will quickly learn where they are not living in alignment with the Real Love .. not the fantasy delusional versions of Conditional Love that reek of religion and beLIEf Systems. I bless you All with All the Love your Hearts desire and I pray Humanity start listening to their Hearts or face the consequences!! Not my Will not my will not my will but thy Will be done! 