vrijdag 13 december 2019

Winter Solstice December 21st/22nd 2019 ~ From Darkness to Light By: L’Aura Pleiadian

Winter Solstice December 21st/22nd 2019 ~ From Darkness to Light

By: L’Aura Pleiadian
We are approaching the frequency shift of the Winter Solstice on the 22nd AST at 12:19 am, for many of you this will be on the 21st.
Here we are on the brink of total freedom and ascension.
Going from darkness to Light. From fear to freedom.
From that which has been hidden NOW brought to the conscious awareness of every day life. This then becomes the death and rebirth that the Ascension is.
What are you fears? of poverty, of loss of beauty, aging, the body loosing the ability to function? Death? Rejection?
FACE those fears NOW.

As things intensify those who have not faced their fears will through circumstances FACE their fears. After all, our frequency is creating our reality.
The energies are benevolent in that, things play out in accordance to our frequencies. ALWAYS (underlined one million times) everything is playing out for our good, for out evolution.
Only if you could see it and you will one way or the other.
Reflect on the hidden deep fears you have.
Then as the Light increase NOW ~ your rebirth will be tangible and real.
A being who has faced their fears is empowered through being the one that is free that the eternal self then flows through.
We are to be the Masters that walk the Earth.
All fears must be faced. Enter your heart and let the balm of true love, dissolve all for you, through your conscious awareness.
Look deep within during this darkness period and then the celebration of the return to light, will be auspicious for you. For you have found yourself prepared, for all that is to BE through you.
And in this we activate YOU now, your death and rebirth. The return to greater LIGHT, within and without, above and below. So it is ~ all now!