donderdag 12 december 2019

12~12 Portal: The Portal of Evolution By Archeia Aurora of The First Contact Ground Crew Team

12~12 Portal: The Portal of Evolution

By Archeia Aurora of The First Contact Ground Crew Team
The 12~12 portal on December 12th, 2019 is going to be the most powerful portal this planet has ever witnessed. Not only do we have triple 12/3 energy, but we also have a Full Moon in Gemini, which also happens to culminate at 12:12 AM. You cannot make this shit up. The Universe has a serious roller coaster ride in store for us and this will be the apex and final culmination of everything that Mother God has been working towards for the last 13 years.
Mother of All Creation has been pouring love energies onto the planet non stop for the last few weeks. She has not only been releasing the disclosure energy, but also the Final Event energies. She also fully anchored in her Avatar body and successfully brought her physical vessel into 5D. This has caused a huge trickle down to the collective, as we continue to witness disclosure coming to the surface in every facet of our lives. We are also having increased physical symptoms as all density must be released from our vessels so we can fully anchor in our crystalline bodies.
This year has been all about MASTERY, and we are now nearing completion of this training phase. 2019 held the energies of the 12/3, which is both completion, tests and change. We all were faced with challenges and tests that triggered every wound and programming we held so that we could finally work through and clear these lower energies. As we enter the 12~12 portal now, we enter the Gateway to Heaven. For those that have failed to learn their lessons, failed to grow and expand, they will be hit by a slammed door, forcing them to face all they have left unhealed.

This is the portal of EVOLUTION and only those that are choosing to evolve will enter these pearly gates. For the rest of the collective, the mirror is coming. No longer can unconscious choices and unhealed wounds causing dysfunctional behavior be allowed to continue. We will all have a cosmic mirror held up to us, and we will get reflected back all that is left to transform. These energies are no longer allowing us to flip flop between the lower and the higher.
Assisting with this transformation is the Full Moon in Gemini which occurs at 20 degrees Gemini. Gemini is an air sign, which can cause erratic energy resulting in anxiety, nervousness, and flightiness. Gemini is also represented by the twins-duality. The polarization of the illusion will be on full blast during this Full Moon and it will be clear as day the line between those embodying love and those who are not. This contrast is necessary for those in the EGO to see how they are manifesting their own chaos and their own hell.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the divine communicator. This is the perfect portal for full disclosure and information to be revealed. For so long we lived in the Dark, existing within the illusion with no awareness that everything we have ever been told was a lie. Now the truth will finally revealed. The truth of our galactic origin, the truth of what the Cabal have been doing to humanity for thousands of years, and most importantly, the disclosure of Mother God and her journey here in ascending this planet. There is so much to come to light we are just at the tip of the iceberg for the avalanche of truth. This will be reckoning day for humanity and many who are deep asleep in unconsciousness will choose not to transition through this time.
On the same day, Chiron the wounded healer is going direct at 1 degree Aries. This is the very beginning of the zodiac, the beginning point of consciousness. Chiron retrograded back and is now moving full force ahead as he brought us back to our original wound at 29 degrees Pisces which was separation from God. Now, at 1 degree Aries, our collective wounds around our identity and purpose are being revealed in order to be healed, but first they must be triggered.
Our identity has largely been shaped around false and illusionary things. Most beings on this planet have no idea who they are or what their purpose is if they removed everything from their life. If you no longer had a job, a relationship, a family, a home, who would you be? Humanity is lost, desperately searching for external things and people to validate their existence because they have failed to realize they are a fractal of Source, a piece of God within a human vessel. The external will never validate who you are on a soul level, only connection with Source and your higher self will do that. This is going to be revealed to humanity as everything they so strongly cling onto will get stripped away.
The tarot cards for the collective through this portal are:
~The Tower: the tower card is the most feared card in the tarot deck, as it signals massive shifts, transitions and life changing experiences. This is the rude awakening that humanity has been manifesting for themselves and what is necessary to spark the fire of evolution within every soul. There is no good or bad, there simply is. All experiences are orchestrated by Mother and each being’s higher self to ensure each heart on this planet awakens to their divine truth.
~Release: the release card signals major purging throughout the collective of lower frequencies and density held within the body. We MUST let go of all things 3D, as once we enter 2020 the flood gates will be wide open and they will wash away all that is illusionary. In order to receive change we must be willing to change, to let go of what is no longer serving us as a collective. Humanity must be willing to let go of the shore and trust that Mom has got us.
~10 of Swords: this signifies the end of a difficult period. We are leaving behind the cycle of pain and suffering and we are now embracing love, trust, the unknown, and JOY. Once we step out of the illusion we open ourselves up to the limitless possibilities that exist within the present moment of now. The 10 of swords also shows recovery from addiction. The collective is finally healing from their addiction to outside sources of love, joy and energy. We are all sovereign beings part of the ONE and when we are connected to Source, we no longer seek anything external to fill the void, we are filled with Source light that constantly eminates out.
~The Sun: The Sun is a brilliant card full of optimism, confidence and new ideas. If we can take the higher perspective, we see everything as a lesson or blessing. We can then move forward in gratitude and trust that all is happening for our highest good. This opens up space for new insights, inspiration and ideas in how to co-create and level up to the next phase. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and on the other side is the most brilliant New Earth.
We are entering the portal of Evolution & Mastery. This is the moment to truly step up into our divinity and become masters. There are no more moments for choosing the lower-the lower no longer exists, it no longer has any ground to stand on. The higher grid is anchored into the planet and only those who are embodying higher consciousness will be able to access this new energy. All beings embodying the lower will find nothing but chaos, karma, and challenges as they struggle to hold onto the old. Let go of everything. Accept, embrace and allow and become fully committed to being a master and a co-creator in this ascension process.