donderdag 12 december 2019

12.12.12. Waves are coming in ~ Celia Fenn


Waves are coming in
Powerful waves.

I woke up this morning with my body buzzing and vibrating with the energy.
We are being powerfully activated on all levels to complete the soul embodiment process that began in August at the Lions Gate.

In addition, the flow of Diamond Codes is helping us to fully activate the Diamond Light Body which is our Galactic Light Body. 

When we have fully activated this aspect of ourselves, we will be able to connect and communicate with the Galactic Council, which will be useful as we head towards the Galactic Center alignment on the 19th December, just before the Solstice.

There is no doubt very deep shifts are happening and that we are reconnecting with our Galactic self. We are truly remembering who we are and choosing where we are going. 

When we remember that we have been here before, that we are infinite beings of light who chose to be on Earth with a mission to help Earth reconnect with her Sacred purpose, then we can more easily choose how to express our soul purpose moving forward.

Have a beautiful and empowered day on this 12.12.12 Portal and flow with the energies.