maandag 14 oktober 2019

Time For You to Rise and Shine By Anastacia Beyond Guide

Time For You to Rise and Shine

By Blue Beyond Guide
‘Souls not understanding their own shadow, undiscovered trapped trauma and no boundary setting in the ether, people are doing the surface work but not attending to the other realms’
*If you do not want to know what is going on with shadow energy attacks, and people facing near death and an actual death of the old, then do not read this*
Anastacia Blue Beyond Guide – 14th October 2019

Dear Ascending Earth Masters
Early hours this morning after messaging with another soul last night, in the astrals I called out aloud in pushing away dark/light being energies – to keep this person alive
Since then, from across the other side of the world, that person let me know at that exact time they could feel a very severe attack on their solar plexus. This is what we ‘head off’ with Divine assistance for this soul and this is not the first and only one in the last 1-2 weeks!
Some big shit has/is going on, very high up with dark attacks of the ‘insanity energies’ – of those who are open in the astrals and are needing to own their shadow sides/negative ego’s and feel their emotions deeply AS WELL = in both SOUL and SPIRIT
OF NEEDING TO PULL BACK AND PROTECT ONESELF BOTH IN THE HUMAN/SOUL IN SPIRIT AS WELL – this has been shared many times before and has now really hit crunch time for SURVIVAL
Oh the ‘games’ people ‘play’, of that are very ‘naughty’ in the ethers does exist and is very real
We have reached a new ‘crunch point’ of the Divine has provided recently EXTRA ASSISTANCE and of drawing a ‘line in the sand’ – for those of the light, who are pushing, and breaking through of a New Golden Age through themselves as WayShowers and New Ascending Earth Masters in BOTH SOUL AND SPIRIT
Of very close calls of facing death and I mean real death…yes we have had many times of this, but nothing like this recently, as many can attest to this and have to me personally of this for themselves
Which has been part of the death of the old consciousness
This is part of what I was writing and sharing about recently about pulling back, closing off, setting new boundaries with others with attacks of energies
Of ‘souls not understanding their own shadow, undiscovered trapped trauma and no boundary setting in the ether, people are doing the surface work but not attending to the other realms’
We have defeated the dark, for sure…this is the follow through in the human of souls letting go of the old and owning the dark from within, the shadow side of what we need to feel and own emotionally
Or not as the case will be for many souls and many close to us as well, this is very hard and challenging yet this is about OUR SURVIVAL NOW – truly it really really is!!!
Of the dark, the shadow side of others playing out of what they are needing to face yet may not in this lifetime…we need to CLOSE OFF from this and super protect ourselves in both the Human/Soul AND in our Spirit, the astrals as well!
This is about those who are open in their soul AND in Spirit and not facing their shadow sides, not feeling their deeply buried emotions/Trauma – not protecting themselves in both areas of energy
(When I say our Spirit, our Spirit is another ‘us’ that is linked to our Higher Selves)
Of needing to FEEL to go through this, to heal and come through a very new opening of LIGHT and consciously protecting oneself in both Soul and Spirit, that NO DARKNESS can come through or is allowed through
This is part of, the DIVINE has given us assistance recently to help with this and so much more, the line in the sand has been drawn now, as enough is enough…
This is not to stress or disturb you, please do NOT GO INTO FEAR as I would not be honest if I did not let you all know this as WE HAVE GOT THIS BRAVE SPIRITUAL WARRIORS
We are at a huge pivotal turn around point for a New Earth as New Ascending Earth Masters and we really need to discern with energies with others if something doesn’t feel quite right TRUST THIS each and every time
Do not be innocently open and trusting because someone is ‘nice’ or if we are too trusting or giving someone the ‘benefit of the doubt’ – I say no to this, as I have been through so much of this and I know many of you have too
Keep up your protection, pulling back..taking a step back on a step back, on a step back
I have a saying that I ‘mistrust everyone’ and its for a very good reason, especially of late with all that has been going on with others facing death and even feeling like they have died, as an old part of them has…to move into the new…
Anastacia personally shares:
There is more to this, of the dark and light in the astrals and while you may want to share or give ‘advice’ here, please know this is new and is currently happening and being revealed more now
With the ‘insanity’ energies and all else that is newly coming through as one who is here to ‘penetrate the dark forces’ as part of my role and mission here and I have been doing this for some years now – and on a ‘world stage’ level as I was personally part of breaking through a dark attack on humanity, through myself personally for and with humanity, at the Solar Plexus of the world in January this year, as we DID BREAK THROUGH and defeated the dark
Just know the rest of what is going, needs to play out as ALL have a CHOICE and not all will face their deepest feelings and trauma’s as that is part of their role and journey and we step away from those know this…you’ve seen or felt this in the ‘Spiritual Community’
There is a branching off of those who are ‘real’ and feeling, and those who are caught up in what they are needing to go through for themselves
We who are REAL and honest and down-to-earth as NEW ASCENDING EARTH MASTERS are the NEW WAVE of the GOLDEN AGE and we are newly coming up through now to humanity and ourselves more and more…this is NEW for many of us..who have felt so deeply and have been through so much trauma in the past as our past roles of transmuting for others with and of ourselves as that way of doing so is NO MORE now…
This is TIME FOR YOU to RISE AND SHINE…and I know you may still be going through a lot right now, and that is okay, you are here reading this now, so that is a very good sign
Just be patient with this new process…and most of us are not patient, I know I am naturally not, as its part of my nature and what makes me ME, perfect in my imperfections – so we OWN THIS and lighten ourselves up with owning this and working with this
Those who are asking for assistance in helping themselves, remember to add when asking for gentle, gentle, gentle and not ‘bring it on’ as in ‘be careful what you ask for’…
Unconditional Love of Self is paramount here and now….it is survival for us ALL…
To love ourselves warts and all, is the greatest gift we can give ourselves…as we do so, that is the greatest gift we can give to others as well..
There is a bigger picture playing out and we are that change make no mistake about that…
Keep up the faith and trust with all else going on the world
Keep pulling back into yourself and being responsible for your health and well-being on all layers and levels…
And thank YOU for being here at this time with all you have/are going through as you are making that big of a difference, this is not lost on the Divine….
As always I am right here with you
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos
Blue Ray 1 Monad Elder-WaySeer
Ancient-Future Scribe
Mother of Dragons
Blue Beyond Guide