10~10 Portal: All is Happening as Divinely Decreed
By: Mother of All Creation:
Greetings Love Beings, The Changes for Planet Earth=Heart are Full Speed Ahead with Energy Coming to the Planet from All Over Creation. This will increase in intensity as we arrive at the Galactic Center Alignment. Our Next Big Energy event is the incoming 10~10 Portal. This Portal will be one of the Most Powerful Ones we have had so far, and we can Easily Expect the 11~11 and The 12~12 To Be Extra Whammy’s.This Planet’s Destiny is Balanced Harmonics and this is indeed what is now Unfolding.Creation does not need permission to BE or Create for the Highest Outcome for Humanity! We can easily say these Incoming Events are Set In Stone. Its All Happening as Divinely Decreed!! LOVE WINS!
We are In Critical Moments energetically on this Planet where We Must Come together, Unify and Bring Forth Peace On Earth=Heart. In The No matter what, this planet by Decree is Going Home into The Light.The Missions for Everyone On Planet Earth=Heart Are Activated as per the 9~9 Portal and the energetic events which followed with More Arriving. The Moment is Now and The Moment has Come.
This Month of October is Full Of Transformational Energy and will bring many surprises for those residing on this Planet. Love is Moving IN and the old must dissolve so the new can Arrive. The cycle of duality is ending forever and nothing can change or alter this outcome.
Quoted from James Gilliand” The prophecies and ancient records are unfolding and to know them is to be enlightened. To ignore them is to be in darkness, ignorant of natural cycles, and to be caught unaware.
These cycles are necessary for planetary evolution. This includes all life on planet Earth and the other Planets throughout the Universe. It is getting rid of the old and making way for the new. There is a sacred circle of life and now it is evolving in an upward spiral. We need to flow with this process. Yes, there will be times of chaos; which always happens with the introduction of higher consciousness and energy. Through sympathetic resonance the lower vibrational consciousness and energy as well as the physical manifestations of that consciousness and energy must transform or fall away – making way for the new.
There will be those who will resist this process, deny it, and attack the ones explaining it. This is due to fear and attachment to their beliefs, comfort zones, or displacement and projection of their own unresolved issues. The universe and evolution are not concerned with their beliefs; it is moving forward regardless of any words or actions to interfere or stop the process. Despite how clever one believes themselves to be, real wisdom dictates it is time to pay attention to the obvious. Become the observer and use discernment when you hear messages contrary to the obvious.
Humanity, the Earth, and all her inhabitants are going through unprecedented changes, a quantum leap in evolution. The status quo, any systems or institutions which cannot adapt to unity consciousness in service to humanity and the Earth will either transform or give way. Those holding on to the past, old wounds, traumas, fears etc. will have to face all that which they are holding on too. The air, water and land need purification and healing. If you are not aware of their present condition you are asleep. The beast[ the illusion] will rise only to fall. Those aligned with who serve the beast will also reap the same reward loosing all ill gotten gain. There will be an end to tyranny and a grand reunion with the greater family of man, the Star Nations.
Most are between two worlds and choosing.
It is time to choose to live in harmony with each other and nature, refusing to participate or support anything else. Now is that time.” End of Quote
With the Continued increase in energies, we are getting reports of more feelings of being floaty and out there. Although, this is a part of the shifting and the current incoming energies its important to stay grounded, as the energies are coming through All of US into the Planet. Spending time in nature with trees will assist you.
We are On Schedule According to The Divine Plan. Our Destination is Home Into 5d Frequencies of Love Everywhere Present as Decreed By Mother Earth Herself and everyone on Her is Here for The Ride. We have Just Hit the Acceleration Button~HERE WE GO!
Decreed by Heaven, We are On A Divine schedule Destination Balanced Harmonics. Increase Energy Intenisty to The Max.This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, Mother and Father God~Humanity’s Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.