dinsdag 3 april 2018

Energy update April 2018 ~ ♥ Sri&Kira ♥

With our love...WELCOME TO APRIL 2018!

  "Keep your eyes on the divine at all times!" 
...Archangel Zadkiel 

Resurrection Integration Ignites Ancient Mastery Wisdom!
We are all grate-full to be completed with the massive "gut punch" energy that filled the March experience and the intensity of the energetic momentum that is showering our planet!  Most likely you are experiencing a heightened sense of time ...or shall we say...the release of time!

As April IGNITES itself here on the planet during the energy of the Blue Moon in harmony with the RESTORATION of balance, this is a month that invite us all to take this moment VERY SERIOUSLY! 
Archangel Zadkiel has throughout the years consistently reminded us that good humor and keeping our eyes on the divine will carry us through virtually everything that density wants to "throw at us".  This is a month where those powerful wisdom filled words carry even more meaning!

The Mercury retrograde will continue through this entire month and while it will go direct near the end of April, the "vast energies" will continue to EXPAND and IGNITE through the first week of May! 
The April BLESSING to be harvested by ALL Beings is the choice of Wholeness or Separation!
The multiple dimensional portals have all opened and the opportunity is yours to claim this presence through the illumination of ALL of your chakras.

Unifying the Bhakti, Shanti and Ananda of Jan, Feb. and March offers your physical body the needed fuel to sustain you to "check out" and claim your Ancient Mastery wisdom this month! 

We are not saying that this month is going to be without its challenges, indeed, (especially around the 13th), you will see some heating up!

However!  This is the month that all the puzzle pieces are ready to reveal themselves and it matters not if you are sure what the overall picture looks like!  What matters is that you acknowledge and claim those pieces!  Gather them and honor this moment.

This is the time to TAKE SERIOUSLY the Four steps of Self-Ascension 
and to apply them lovingly in your daily experience...remember it all starts with YOU!
If you are not familiar with these steps simply Click here to learn more!

The vast energies of April may at moments feel like Integration overload...have patience and TRUST this process because in May the puzzle pieces will all come together and you will be grateful for this journey in so many beautiful ways!

In addition with the honoring the four steps throughout this month if you are ready for additional illuminating support we strongly suggest you consider diving into one or both of the following home study experiences! 
(And! If you have already taken these programs, BE SURE to pull them out and connect with them again! They will take on an entirely new meaning!)

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We have been strongly guided by the Ascended Masters to fully "check out" for the entire month of April until Sunday the 29th when we will return with a LIVE Broadcast of the May Revelations and our April journey.  We will also be releasing the May video on this date as it is needed "ahead of time".  During this time we will be spending vast amounts of time in silence and relfection and are currently in a 40 day fast.  This is the journey we have been invited to take and we have said yes!

We invite you to consider a 13 day journey of your own during this month as there is much power around the number 13 in the energy of this moment.  Perhaps find your 13 days and consciously connect with the 4 steps.  Invite yourself to lighten your food intake and journal upon what you are noticing. Maybe release electronics for a few days and RECEIVE the Ancient Mastery wisdom that is trying to come forward for you now! 

And if you have not yet connected with the April Revelations video PLEASE DO SO as there is so much more!  Just Click Here! 
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Lastly, we THANK YOU ALL for your love and support during the fire that was our final gut punch here at TOSA Blue Mountain!  It was your support and love that assisted us to call forward EXTRAORDINARY MIRACLES and we are so truly
Grate-FILLLED for this truly blessed community!  TOSA Blue Mountain is thriving in so many beautiful ways and we look forward to welcoming you here as your heart calls you to join us! 

Just click here to learn more!
When we return April 29 we will also be announcing two NEW programs with us here in Eucador!  A very special guided Cosmic Essene 5 day ONSITE residential journey during the September Equinox, (limited to 8 people), and our annual New Year event and Miracle Creation workshop as well! Details at the end of the month! 
May your journey through April call in your divine Ancient Mastery Wisdom as the gateway to your most bounti-full life being-ness!
Sri & Kira