zaterdag 2 april 2022

Why we are becoming hyper sensitive....Jen Reynolds

Why we are becoming hyper sensitive....

Speaking is actually the lowest frequency of communication. It has served it's purpose for this dense reality we came into human form to experience. When I say it is the lowest frequency of communication, it does not mean it is bad, it is just not used in the higher octaves and eventually won't be used here as we continue to reach higher states of consciousness.

Whenever I have had contact with any Being anchored into a higher dimension, there was never any speaking. It was instant knowing. Some would call this telepathic communication but because I have to raise my frequency to communicate with these beings and they have to lower theirs to meet me at a frequency my physical vessel can handle, it is a lower form of telepathic communication (but still very cool to witness!) The first time it happened, I got so excited my excitement pulled me out of the channel I was dialed in on and I dropped "the phone call" with the being I was communicating with. It taught me to learn how to hold a very neutral frequency to stay on "the call". It was a great lesson for life in general. I will explain below.

The reason I am sharing this story is not to brag about it but to share my experiences and share what my higher self asks me to share as we are getting ready to level up big time! This is exciting stuff but it also requires us to be very responsible for our energy and not be pulled into the chaos of the world, whether that be drama in the family dynamic, drama with friends, drama in the main stream media, drama in groups, or an type of distraction that pulls us out of our inner peace. The way to start doing this is to really STOP and take a deep breath before we react to anything.

Remind ourselves that this is just a blip in time that we are experiencing duality and at any time we can pull out of an experience, feel it, thank it, and merge gratitude with the feeling we are having. Being in gratitude for the person or persons that triggers us alchemizes the lower frequency into neutrality, or what some people call the zero point field. This releases you and them from the experience and allows one to create a reality within the reality or a new "scene in the play". THE ONLY REASON WE REACT TO ANY SITUATION IN NON PRODUCTIVE WAY IS BECAUSE OUR LIMITED BELIEFS ARE BEING CHALLENGED BY ANOTHER IN OUR FIELD OR UNRESOLVED TRAUMA. When we can learn how to manage our emotional body, that is the first step to tapping into higher states of consciousness and having more expansive experiences.

Once we heal the emotional body and are relatively balanced (We don't have to be perfect but meet each initiation or people that come into your field with awareness and the willingness to do better when you know better) we start to feel more. The emotional body That held density in our cellular structure is now a vessel that we can be in as it has been cleared of a lot of the density and has room for you now.

What I mean by this Is that most of us have lived outside of our bodies to avoid feeling all the repressed trauma and beliefs that no longer serve us. Being fully in the body for the first time is quite overwhelming and it takes time to adjust to the experience. If you think being an empath is rough, wait until you're fully inside your body! And the outside world will do anything to keep you outside of your body because this is where your true power is. These human vessels are amazing and we have so much untapped potential that we are just getting ready to discover. Once inside the body you will know if somebody is manipulating you or lying to you.

This is why the emotional body has to be healed before you are fully inside your physical body because you cannot react to somebody that is behaving in this way. They were conditioned and programmed into manipulating other humans to get what they want and are on autopilot. This does not mean that you need to hang out with someone that does this all the time, but it does mean that you need to be responsible for your energy and realize that many humans on this planet are manipulative and are dishonest, both with themselves and others.

This is what we call transparency and we have to be fully transparent in order to be telepathic. It's kind of like opening up someone's mind that stands before you, but having the emotional maturity to not shame them or make them feel bad for thought processes that are running on autopilot. Once we get this down, telepathic communication starts to come online. And these organic human bodies are 10 times more exciting than any worldwide web or handheld device. The information that will be coming through is your birthright. We have the right to have open source, authentic, transparent, pure communication with one another.

The elite few who think that they are in power right now are going to do everything to keep us out of our physical vessels and try everything for us not to tap into our inner organic technology. They will do it through forced medications, highly processed foods, sports, TV and Hollywood and manipulated news reports that rattle the emotional body and keep people in a perpetual state of fear, all to block the channels that need to be open for your inner technology to come online.

Remember you are in control of what you consume, whether it be foods, medications, Media and other distraction tools. At any time you can choose to ignore these distractions and come back home to you.

Remember that you are the creator of your reality. I only share my reality to let others know what they are going through is real and that they are not alone.

Have a beautiful day beautiful soul family!