zaterdag 23 april 2022

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence


As explained several years ago, after a person’s awakening, electrical pulses fire up within the brain, taking new impulses in vibrational PATTERNED forms and pulses, to parts of the brain and body physical, via the neural network.

Also previously explained, these vibrational patterns and pulses, take ‘time’ to create co-ordinated coherences that gradually change our physical, mental and emotional, gradually bringing all into a balance. That one of these repeated patterns is an ENERGETIC ARC pattern between the brain and heart, that repeats and repeats until eventually the brain ‘marries’ the heart. Meaning the mind listens to the heart, allowing the heart to then lead foremost. So a beautiful merging of the mind with the heart. The heart is heard, and the brain takes the actions of the hearts highest choices.

I just explain that part briefly here for those new to this wall. Also previously explained:
After the Heart/Brain merge, the brain begins to master quietening of the thoughts. And directing the thoughts. Mastering the thoughts. This leads to more FEELING and increased SENSITIVITY to ENERGY. The choice of NO THOUGHT leads to the step by step allowance of SOUL merge. Again, Soul Merge takes linear time and choice of focus, commitment (WILL) to allow it. The Soul stores all Memory; does not speak linear language, allows all human experience as the frequency felt or described as ‘Love’. Soul merge is the merging of human heart space, with Brain, with the soul, a triangular alignment.
I explain that once more, in order to get context for below:
The beginning stages of embodying (or becoming again) Pure Consciousness, begins with the observance of the letting go of ‘personality’ as an identity. A quicker stage by comparison to precious stages, it seems we are either in the personality (and the experiences via the human personality), OR, we experience Pure Consciousness state in our waking day. Pure Consciousness is a state outside of time and space, it does not speak linear language, and a space where ‘suffering’ of human mental, human emotional or human physical is simply not present. We initially observe ourselves jumping from one state to another (personality to pure consciousness. The desire and ability to simply switch modes quickens and increases. We begin to MASTER this switching, desiring more and more to exist as the peace, harmony, balance, purity of the Pure Consciousness we are, that resides within the causal plane, yet we are embodying. Again, through sustained choice (WILL POWER) the Power of Will monitored as ENERGY, based on our time, choices and commitment, PURE CONSCIOUSNESS begins to ‘marry’ the mind. The mind at this stage is wanting the same. And the heart and Soul already knowing the same inevitability, waiting patiently all along.
At the perfectly designed stage for each person and soul, the witnessed choice of the ending of one stage (identifying as THE HUMAN) is made , to allow PURE CONSCIOUSNESS to become us. And that, begins the start of the next level experience, with the mind, body, heart, soul and consciousness married as One coherence, effortlessly working together. A perfect harmony of balance between:
1) The accumulated and timeless wisdoms of the SOUL.
2) The increased ability of the BRAIN processor to process (understand) higher form WAVELENGTHS that were always present yet incomprehensible to the former brain’s ability. This brings coherent DATA unpackaged and understood by the brain. Dreamtime becomes more clear and balanced as higher wavelengths can be interpreted by the increased brain ability.
3) Increased calmness to the physical BODY and it’s well being. Increased physical senses. Increased health.
4) Balance of the EMOTIONAL body. As the PURE CONSCIOUSNESS does not experience emotions as the human does. It experiences ENERGIES (not emotions) of a higher baseline frequency that we could label (in human terms) as harmonious, happy, joyful, ecstasy, playful, creative where every experience IT creates is PRESENT as the energy we describe as LOVE.
5) And finally the HEART, which was always the entrance and the only way through ascension with body. The gateway to All that Is. The gateway to every single stage of embodiment. Where the heart portal, is the connection to the Divine within us all. And the ability to embody and feel the ESSENCE of God within us. God seeking ITSelf in YOU, you seeking God as God designed it. Wanting to be found, knowing IT will be, as IT design it this way.
When the beginning ‘stage’ of embodying the Pure Consciousness begins, it is also the peaceful, ENERGETIC letting go of the WHOLE life lived so far, for the beginning of the NEXT JOURNEY. This is not an emotional or imbalanced letting go, it is simply a path stage and ENERGETIC DISSOLVING of the former version experienced by. Where a life with physical body, lived by Consciousness embodied begins. The Divine Spark, the Master Builder, that was guiding you BACK to your Pure Consciousness all along, present at every step, creating every scenario, until that human desires to expand itself, into it’s consciousness.
In a sense, for lack of human words, it is a TRANSITION, and experienced as a transition over some linear time, whilst retaining the body. Transiting allows for a more gentle yet radical change, where the abilities of Pure Consciousness will be embodied. Where conscious creation is available as the Master Builder that IS your consciousness, outside of time and space, within the causal plane, yet then embodied in the human conscious awareness.
Please take what resonates, and discard the rest.
With Love to All,
Amanda Lorence
22 April 2022
(Just a few pics showing some vibrarions electrical patterns or pulses that create our changeover)