vrijdag 1 april 2022

Old stories are falling away ~ Natoya Hall

"... Old Stories are falling away. The old you is saying its final goodbye. You can longer describe your “old self” because you can no longer attach to it, or it feels like it was lifetimes ago. A new you is coming online and it is ok to not want to be around certain people, places, or things that you just do not resonate with anymore. I’ve been seeing a deep timeline of coming online these past 6-9 months very intensely and it may feel scary as this new version of yourself is awakening. Trust your Spirit to never give you too much that you cannot handle.

Hold ceremony, grieve, and take time with yourself right now; this is a big deal. Welcome these new aspects in. You will have new likes, wants and needs. Your persona has changed or is changing, and people may be saying how much you have changed. You are beginning to shapeshift and look different in your face and body. Your hair may be shedding or skin texture changing. Some may even begin to look darker or lighter.

There are so many changes happening right now Starseeds and the World that you once knew has now shifted. Many are deciding to leave Earth right now and get new assignments on many different planets that are assisting us. The skies are FULL of many different spaceships, and you can now see battles happening as some reptilians are trying to leave Earth right now or go underground. Their time is UP.

You may be seeing rips or tears in the hologram, and this is normal as your consciousness begins to see that it has always been an alternative reality we have been playing in and that we have ALWAYS been on New Earth; it was just up to us to SEE and welcome it in. Blessed Homecoming Starseeds!


Artist: STARR