vrijdag 22 april 2022

LYRAN GATEWAY - 422222 ~ Ramona Lappin


We currently have powerful Schuhmann Resonance spikes as well as continued Solar flares happening. White Flame Purification Activations are engulfing ALL as are ready for the Final Purification Event, as ALL IS RESET TO ITS ORIGINAL SOURCE CODES & BLUEPRINTS plus Upgrades.

The 13th Temple of the White Flame rises!

Powerful Lyran portal opens + meteoroid showers!

The Cosmic Dragons and Mother of Dragons are sweeping the lands, clearing, protecting, infusing and igniting the Diamond, Rose and Emerald Heart Network and New Grid System.
We have a most powerful intergalactic presence of many races and lightships all week as we power through these final rounds of initiations and surrender all that we are to Source to become Divine Will embodied!

Main focus remains on the Collective Ego Death and Purification that is necessary for our Planetary Ascension, overwriting of the AI Network and old Blueprint programming, as well as Activations of our DNA and Diamond Rainbow Sun Plasma Lightbody continue.

We are going through a massive release of soul fragments, attachments, demons, possessions and entities at Collective level, connected to soul trauma and split/ fragmentation, as well as Multidimensional Soul Retrieval & Integration. As this happens many of us are being attacked and targeted, also because well, that's just a occupational hazard, because of what we are here to anchor and co-create. Remember that you hold the power to send these beings and fragments back to the rightful owner or Source, wherever is in highest alignment. We do this from the Zero Point Field of Divine Love and Neutrality.


It's time to fucking RISE BELOVEDS!!

These next three days are vital and I feel and keep getting the message that it's all about to kick off!
Expect nothing short of Miracles and keep help making them happen with every word, thought, feeling, belief and action you take.

Eternal Love & Blessings,