zaterdag 2 april 2022

Are you ready for change in your life? ~ James Malins

Are you ready for change in your life?
My brothers and sisters... what I am about to write can only be felt. Most of you have been walking with me for a while now and you have made your own mind up about what you think of me. You have come to your own conclusions about the man you believe me to be.
I want to share a piece of my soul with you...
Before I came to this world I know I set a very particular purpose for myself. I looked into the eyes of creation... into the eyes of Mother Earth and I said to her, "I will dedicate the totality of my Earthly being to restoring the sovereignty and love that has been forgotten in your wonderful vibrant land." I knew that I was staring at the top of a mountain from the very base but I looked at that mountain, not with courage or bravery but instead with a vision.
A vision where the faces of those of you who are reading these words are aware of your absolute self, your absolute purpose. Your life is not the doldrums of a preconceived system. Your life is a limitless possibility of pure creative potential. You are a beacon of hope to a universe surrounded by the shadows of the oppressive.
Your soul lives WITHIN you and from the central point, you have the ability to create worlds.
Don't believe me?
Observe the reactions next time you use words of hate compared to words of love.
Observe the reactions when you start to listen and hold space instead of suppressing and attacking.
Observe the reactions when you speak to the soul that is within a person instead of the physical body that is so obviously outside of it.
You are a creator of worlds.
Each man, woman and child that is told how great they are and how great they can be starts to shine the light of a thousand suns that inspires others around them.
Each man, woman and child that is honoured for their own truth instead of being moulded by the arrogant programmed dogma begins to step into a dimension of their own being that is currently deemed as a "future event".
Christ is an idea.
It is a state of being attainable by anyone who stands for something other than hatred and suffering.
It is a form of consciousness that moves and weaves unimpeded by dark influence.
My brother.
My sister.
You are not here by chance.
You are here to bring forth a world that is as peaceful as it is orchestral.
A world that sings for something wonderful.
Maybe I am.
Maybe I am speaking a truth not written in the books of old but instead a truth that sings in the heart that beats in your own chest. Maybe I am speaking a truth that needs no intermediary. A truth that lies INSIDE the heart and souls of ALL OF US!
You are the new.
You are the world we have been seeking.
Turn your attention to the sun.
Stand in a world you created each and every day!
You are the future.