vrijdag 22 april 2022

Allowing all to be as it is ~ Ramona Lappin

Allowing all to be as it is

Quantum repost from 21-4-21, I am sharing for those that it may assist during this time of Collective Ego Death and Purification, as many of us clear tons on behalf of the Collective, it's truly sacred service & highest alchemical work.


This is a really important thing to understand and not to judge anything, whether it's ourselves or others as all comes up and out, especially the distortions we are purging and transcending. Discernment is different. Also do not have unrealistic expectations of yourself that noone can meet and set yourself up for failure. Also, non of this is personal so do your best to not take anything that way, we are clearing it ALL AS ONE Consciousness and some of us have taken on a big load, but also because it's just what our Blueprints have been created for.
I've been going through some super deep purgings over the past two days and know that others have or will also experience this. I share what I do so it may assist others as they navigate these intense clearings, which have been amplified by the recent increase in solar activity. The good news is, as we know, that after the purging we are so much lighter and this allows for the expansion and much sought after manifestations of our dreams to happen, always in Divine Timing (which can be really freaking frustrating lol). We can't get to the good without going through the bad, to the happy without feeling and releasing the sad, so to say.

Monday and Tuesday I woke up crying and just being over it all. No more freaking patience, just beyond D-O-N-E! Knowing that MASSIVE SHIFTS & TRANSFORMATIONS are here, which is why it's getting so intense, yet simultaneously just being so done with it all, feeling like I can't tolerate another minute of this existence. Just super intense, the tears ready to well up throughout the days. Knowing all is perfect yet also utterly fucked up. Feeling both Polarities, the Paradoxes, as part of our inner Unification, so we can come to balance and harmony within. I felt so fed up with the constant struggle and waiting for things to shift for the better for good (!) especially in regards to the current global situation, money and not being with the people I love. Feeling the deepest sadness over all the suffering, limitation, separation and wars that have been created and experienced over the aeons. Feeling and facing the fear underneath of what other misery might lurk around the corner. Knowing simultaneously that I was feeling this as the stuck energy that had created this in the first place had to purge so things could shift.

All whilst knowing this was the way we chose to experience separation, seeing the Divine Perfection as well as feeling how avoidable it all could have been, yet knowing it all was the way it had to be so we could learn. Integration of the Paradoxes is necessary for our brain to become whole again, instead of the right and left brain split. This process can also feel maddening at times, it's the opposite of the black and white thinking we were taught.

Truly seeing and feeling that everything has a higher order, a Divine Plan working through the perceived chaos and collective fear felt, yet also questioning it's necessity. Understanding that everything that exists also has an opposite, two sides of the same coin, one doesn't exist without the other. Being grateful for everything so far, even the misery, and also commanding that THIS IS IT! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and sending this out in my communication and interaction with the Collective Field. Stepping deeper into our power as the Divine Co-Creators that we are, as we understand all is truly projected from inside of us out into the physical world and our power lies in bringing all inner conflicts to peace. I remembered that when we created angels we also created the fallen ones. Both a mirror for the other. A chance for us to merge the shadow and the light and come to harmony and balance once again.

And again, I was debating to apply for a 'normal' job so I can finally afford a home for myself, so I can finally have more freedom and just cover basic needs. Feeling the great injustice of the imbalance of power and money in this world, yet understanding why it is so and releasing other deep seated programming around lack, poverty consciousness and slavery, knowing full well this is Collective and us being part of clearing and changing the underlying programming that makes this so by transcending it all through us. Feeling my pain, my sorrow, my sadness and fear fully so I could release it all some more deeply. So I could let go, so we can start a fresh, all new but with the wisdom of the experience gained.

So instead of spiraling further down the frustration/ worry ride that my mind was trying to drag me down on and believing it's lies, I became very quiet and just tuned into the higher guidance that is accessible beyond it's fearful chatter. The answer was to just surrender more deeply and stay neutral, to drop all resistance to 'what is' which is key, as whatever we resist persists, which we do by embracing the resistance

A part of me found this very challenging even though we've been practicing a LOT, the part that was just super done and struggling with it all, the part that comes up once in a while, a part I know well. The part that wants to control the experience and questions everything. The part that just wants to give up but can't. That part of me wanted to be embraced and recognized, not pacified with words and visions. To just be and feel whatever was arising and not judge or resist or trying to change it, just letting it purge.

To love and embrace that part of me that has been through so much, that is heavy and tired from the fight, sadness and struggle. The part of me that yearns to feel emotionally full-filled, not just for short amounts of time but lasting happiness and contentment. To live my purpose freely without the struggle, to be in love and joy with life! The one greatest fear has always been to not be able to be happy and for my dreams to come true. The fear of this continuing or even getting worst. All had to be faced, allowed to arise fully to be released.

So I just kept feeling, purging and being present with it all. Clearing further layers of an old Self that wanted to be embraced and seen and acknowledged for all its been through. Not by feeling sorry for itself but for seeing beyond the obvious, knowing myself as a true superhero of my own story that has overcome so much. To have full compassion for myself and be proud of all that I have achieved which is permanent inner change for the better. No outside approval required, all we ever truly needed was our own.

Something I thought years ago would have been impossible. I would have never thought that meditation would be my favourite past time, having had a crazy monkey mind that would drive me to a state of burn out in my last 'normal job'. That is something that no-one and no-thing can take away from us, our inner peace even amidst the chaos. This is true achievement, mastery of the self doesn't mean we control or suppress anything that arises, it means we alchemise everything back to gold, especially the shit

Surrendering to what is rather than wishing it to be the way we want it to be, is a real superpower! It's understanding the greater Divine Order of things and that in turn allows us to FLOW with life rather than against the current. Trusting in the plan that Source and our Higher Self have set out for us whilst embracing the uncertainty of the times we are in, and learning how to listen to that inner guidance, step by step, firmly rooted in the NOW, which is guiding us along that path, with no resistance. Knowing all and everything is serving a higher purpose.

All we truly have to do is allow, flow and resist nothing. The perfection of the chaos unfolding through us.

Embracing the sorrows as well as the delights in equal measures. Laughing through our tears at the insanity of this whole experience as well as revelling in the wonder. Holding space for ourselves and loving our way through the rough currents of life as well as the highs. Embracing the Polarities and all aspects of the Self, AS ALL IS, as part of our own inner Unification back as One with Source

Eternal Love, all-ways,