zondag 15 december 2019

We just experienced the opening of the 12:12 gateway and it feels as if things have sped up exponentially ~ Jenny Scihilz

We just experienced the opening of the 12:12 gateway and it feels as if things have sped up exponentially.

We are seeing in a clearer way what must be let go of and at the same time, it feels that paths are opening, and things are aligning. Anything that we are doing out of obligation needs to change. This may mean a radical change in what we do or that our perceptions about whatever it is need to shift.

 We are being massively upgraded! Our bodies are undergoing an incredible transformation so that we may handle the higher light coming in. The visual they are showing me is of a car having the water pump changed. 
This upgraded form is much more sensitive however and cannot handle what we have always carried. It is why the massive purge of what no longer works physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually is so very important

They showed me where we carry obligation, looping thoughts, beliefs, fear, and worries on our form and it is like giant sandbags attached to our body. This is causing major body pain as the upgraded form cannot continue carrying that weight. I was told that the average person is carrying around 200 pounds of this extra weight, saddled to the form.  It's time to shed all that holds us back and step lightly into the new!

Manifestation is absolutely heightened, and we are being asked to dream big! Dreaming big is not just for the outcome but to help bring the matching frequencies to you so the universe can align that reality in your field! 

The intensity we are feeling isn’t going to stop as we slide into the Solstice on December 21st and a new moon with a solar eclipse on December 26th. Then we head right into January 2020 which is feeling very potent!  Allow the Healing Meditation on December 19th to assist you with Anchoring in your Highest 2020 timeline! (info for joining below, you do not need to be live to participate)

Do your best to stay hydrated, grounded, and centered during these incredible shifts. It is all so exciting and grueling as we are pushed, squeezed, and pulled into the highest version of self!

Much love to you all and Happy Holidays!


Healing Meditation: Anchor in Your Highest 2020 timeline

Anchor in YOUR highest timeline for 2020!

Join me for this healing meditation that will help you to let go of what you no longer want to carry into the future as well as help you to anchor in what you do want to create.

We will be working with healing frequencies and fields that will help us to move through the programming that keeps us limited and full of fears and anxieties. All of which keeps us from accessing and anchoring in our highest potential.

2020 promises to be a very big year for all of us. Allow this healing meditation to assist you!

You do not need to be present to participate as a link to the recording will be sent to all that register. You can use this meditation, again and again, to take things to an even deeper level within.

This healing webinar is approx 45 minutes. Space is limited, reserve your space now!

December 19th at 1:00 pm MST

Cost; $33

Click here to register: