maandag 16 december 2019

Natoya Hall ~ Energy Update: Massive incoming wave the past few days!

Energy Update: Massive incoming wave the past few days! 

There is a gateway for the Solstice and Eclipse that is open and streaming very very high Galactic codes onto Earth. I'm sensing these energies are also coming from the Elohim as well; which can explain the potency. This wave is bringing very high frequencies through the upper Chakra portals so we are feeling this as intense vertigo, dizziness, head pressure, neck, shoulders, back; shit, whole body aches and pain.

I've been noticing that we are getting prepped quicker for the 2020 gateway which I call the year of the "jumpers". The jumpers are us Wayshowers, Lightworkers, Grid Keepers, Starseeds that have been doing this for a minute we will be consciously jumping timelines and dimensions. "They" (Our Light Team) are preparing us for this. 

We jump ALL the time but not always deliberately and knowing how to sustain it for a period of time. We are stepping into ou intergalactic power and bodies. What will be happening intensely right now is energy coming down to "lift" or "morph" the body; we have to learn to ground in the different dimensions we are jumping in and make sure we can jump back out. This is why the MIND was getting worked on this year and how we consciously thought and used our emotions.

Feet, legs, hips and balance issues are major as Mama Tara resets your grids. My Dad is a car mechanic and I love to use this analogy. A couple years ago he says to me "babes, I'm going to have to go back to school and at 55 years old this was a big proclamation. "They're making these cars like robots and I'm ol' school, I use my hands to build the parts needed". I have to get with the times he says; which is what is happening to us. We have to get with the times of Higher Consciousness and this comes with upgrading our bodies to handle this shift so our "old" engines" (Nervous System) are being upgraded to new and improved "light engines". You knew this, but we are FEELING this changeover more than ever right now.

The battle continues in the Astral Realm and a lot of us are getting attacked in the dream realms right now. Rituals of protection and DEMANDING your sovereignty is VITAL. I never say this stuff to scare you just for you to step into your God-given powers cause they got us all the way fucked up. They LOVE the energy of fear and worry so do not give in to it. Either they start paying rent or they gots to go; I'm kidding but you get my drift!!

I have a feeling next year will make a lot of newly awakened feel like there is something wrong with them; this is how we felt at the beginning of our journey. A lot of anxiety and fear energies are coming from the Collective Consciousness. I've been told by my Guides to send them peace instead of saying "Return back to sender". So what I say when it comes into my body is: "You are Safe", "You are Ok", "Breath and know that ALL is well".

Our bodies are really feeling this amplification and every symptom you can dream up is happening right now as we go into overdrive with anchoring our Light Bodies. Heat Flushes, Anxiety, Humming in the body, ear problems as you acclimate to higher frequencies, Head pressure, headaches, confusion, emotional overdrive, seeing people's true forms, seeing and sensing energies more easily, eating issues as our bodies are needing less and less food and more energy to sustain us, ALL the chakras are being upgraded to cosmic realignment and the list goes on.

I'll keep you posted as these energies continue to come in more intensely over the next few weeks. We are feeling "home" frequencies and as intense as it is, THIS is what we have been working to achieve for years. We did it!

So much and Respect Starseed!