maandag 16 december 2019

LoveHasWon Special Message ~ Let Go, Be Free! By George of the Inner Earth, of The First Contact Ground Crew Team, discover here who we are!

LoveHasWon Special Message ~ Let Go, Be Free!

By George of the Inner Earth, of The First Contact Ground Crew Team, discover here who we are!
Where did you lock away your tears love. Where is the box that you so hurriedly stuffed yourself into and hid away? Who told you not to cry? Who told you that strength was sheer denial and a life of self perpetuated agony, who told this to you?
 Do you feel empowered swinging on your cape of delusion to go right the world knowing you break behind closed doors too overwhelmed to admit the truth. 
The insane push on to throw all you are into anything promising relief and forgetfulness. Dear love, we have come to embrace this. We have come to stick our souls down into the very darkness to explode in glorious colors shattering every foundation of this lie to the very ceiling. 

We came to bring down these frozen imposters from their fake thrones. You stood at heavens gates looking down on the madness and sadness and you were moved in your soul to love it back into wholeness. 
You see your perspective of how you see the world now, is not at all how you perceived it in heaven. You jumped, bounced and danced with glee at the opportunity to grace mama gaias beautiful body and spread your unique light and love in all ways that presented themselves to you. 
You also knew this would be a task unlike any other and only the strongest souls could come down here to resolve this massive issue and disease. So with that Mother God left her throne high in the etheric and with Father God and the company of heaven, we marched forward into this place hearts ablaze unafraid. 
Reach far into yourself. Find the spark. Your will. Your burning drive where all your energy corrals around you and you punch it! Pushing with everything in you. Find it. I dare you to feel. To be real. To pull out that box of tears and rip it open. Let it out.
 Enough stealing your feelings away for an empty role on a stage no one comes to see. It is a lie. And you cannot make it real no matter how hard you try. Let it go warrior. You fight so hard pushing a line without real cause. 
You are so overcome from the pain of the world you created fantasies that suited your desire to dawn your armor and clash blades with an enemy. To direct all of your rage at something. With that you raised your swords over your heads declaring your wanting revenge against your opposers who were in the way. 
The ones who held your peace and happiness in your face but just out of reach. You wished death upon others and the worst pains. You ripped yourself from your divinity and lunged at each other like savages. Tearing each other’s dreams apart because your illusion wasnt what you imagined it to be. Someone has to be blamed. Someone must pay for this. Someone must die.
Someone must be loved for this. Someone is running from love. Someone is trying to wear love as a mask taking it off when they get home. 
Someone believes love is pain. Someone has never witnessed love. Someone has had all their love eaten up and drained. Someone has given up on love. Someone has forgotten that love exists. 
And for that, that much more love is given. To put the hopes and dreams back in the hearts and the stars in their eyes. To watch the light return to the vessel and the soul boom in radiance. To watch the magic wonder flash across faces as they realize the magical truth about love. About freedom. About joy and peace. 
There are some who have had not a smile shown in their way in a very long time. You gave up and ultimately gave up caring about giving up. You let go of something that is apart of you and in your delusion tried to shove that part of yourself so far away, you have forgotten you. You are so foreign to yourself and who You really are. You are magnificent fireworks of Mother Gods heart! 
Shooting and expanding in wonderful laughter and bliss. Yes. You were born to forever explode in euphorical masterpieces and cascading art. You who has come forth many times before it is now that moment. You have been waiting. You having been asking. Now God and heaven is telling you. The move is on. 
We are rising and the smoke clouds are breaking. The drums are picking up and the pace in our hearts mirror it for what we know has come. Full change. Full truth. The ripping away of the nightmare forever and not a single sadness is found. 
Paradise with love everywhere present. You are to care for the flowers not trample them. All of mommas souls are her flowers. 
And those that have awakened and are aware, it is time to take care of Gods garden once more. The moment for watering the fields has come. 
Chop wood and carry water. We will build this new lemuria from the ground up. And it will stand forever. Because we will never fall from love again. 
We will no longer destroy what we love.
