How to navigate 3D linearity calendarium from 0-point
As a follow up to my post of stepping out of the linear time-space wheel of karma calendarium and into 0-point I would like to share a very fresh experience with you all. As a comment to my posting one dear fb friend asked how it is possible to still function without keeping account and living in linearity and still be able to be in time for appointments and interacting in 3D, which still operates on the gregorian calender timeline count. And this is a question that I have been asked often in the past. Well I have children who attend school and appointments that I need to keep up with.
Point is it is a matter of consciousness.
When we are present in 0-point eternal now 100% we will always be at the right place at the right time. Things align. Soul will cater for this. I have experienced this many times.. though I have not being in "controle of time" I found myself being right in time. 

I actually have a fresh and wonderful example of how it works. As most of you know I have this 12:12 global group event coming up in a few days. It happens to be on a day and exactly around the hours when my daughter goes to gymnastics. I noticed that 12:12 is on a thursday (her gym day) when I set up the event for 8 pm my time. My daughter goes to the gym from 6 - 7.15 pm.. sometimes I have to drive both ways, sometimes I only drive only one way and her best friend’s mum or dad will drive one of the ways depending on their work schedule, as she is in the same gym group as my daughter.
When I have activations there is a lot of preparation messages and emails, comments etc to answer, last update postings plus of course prepararing energetically hours before preparing the group forcefield and checking in with guides etc. so a lot of things to do and what I do NOT need is stress or time pressure especially the last hours before the event starts.
Now I have not had any concerns or spent one thought about how when and what to manage on Thursday with my daughter and bringing her back and forth from her gym... each way is by car 15 mins. Today I just happened to bump into the mother of my daughter’s friend and she raised the question about how we shall do it on Thursday... I didn´t even think of it, although there are only two days to go. And she said to me, that she would be able to bring the children back after the kids finish gym on Thursday which is at 7.15 pm . ( I will be in middle of preparing at that time and it would take me 30 mins by car to get there forth and back... wouldn´t be possible. ) She said she could not drive them to the gym which starts at 6pm, but I will only have to get away between 5.15 - 5.45 pm to bring the kids to the gym, which will be just fine for me and should be of no issue. So without me even bothering things just align and turns out in perfect synergy and flow with all that is to create the best outcome. Being in 0-point and surrendering all to align perfectly is allowing the universe to work thru us and for us to “deliver the goods” giving up controle and getting out of the way works perfectly. This was just one neat example, but I have experienced this so many times during the last years increasingly and the more we let go, the more we get anchored into 0-point the better it works. Why not be playful and explore how beautifully this works... you avoid stress and have fun experiencing how everything aligns without you even lifting a finger all in divine timing 0-point mindfulness. ~ Grace Solaris