dinsdag 17 december 2019

Flow Through This ~ The New Levels By: L’Aura Pleiadian

Flow Through This ~ The New Levels

By: L’Aura Pleiadian
The subconscious become conscious.
You live in full awareness.
You have awoken from a deep sleep.
You have consciously understood all the transitions of awareness you have experienced throughout all dimensions.
As I write this, as it flows through me,  beings from other worlds are present with me.
All of this is flowing through me now.

All of this flows through you.
You are simply awakening from a deep sleep, where your subconscious kept hidden for a while all the pain and fear till you were ready to look at it. To let those attachments go.
To be willing to simply be no matter what.
In this the glory is revealed to all eyes of awareness that have been purified through the Light of their perfect union.
The beatific beauty of light knows no limitations of the wings spread wide, in loving embrace.
Held in this purified love, as awareness as the flow, we initiate you now, to greater awakening of the allowance required so as to graduate to your next conscious level.
These new levels are as miracles flow.
No one sees how they arrived.
They just simply happen.
We cannot beckon the light of that yet which we are not unified with.
All we can do is flow through this ~  the perfect plan set ablaze as an unstoppable force that creates worlds upon worlds.
Present we are in these initiations, as the miracles, so too the next levels.
Your heart the ocean, lives the depths of love. In this we live and trust. And are present now.