By: Jelelle Awen
As Raphael and I were on a wonderful hike in the woods yesterday, we digested together about how a year ago were going through a brief, yet painful separation from each other. It was the first time in over ten years that we purposely needed to spend time apart to feel into what we wanted in the relationship and in our lives.
It was a shock to be going through that crucible as we had just moved into our spacious house here in Victoria and into what we felt strongly was our higher timeline. There was much to be happy about, yet the truth of undigested and trailing edge energies between us from this life and mostly from our soul bonds/binds in other lifetimes needed to be felt. The higher frequencies of New Lemuria here in Victoria supported the flushing up of these energies.
We eventually reconciled until another separation period was necessary in March of this year. This one lasted for a painful and intense six weeks in which we even felt into moving apart from each other permanently. We thankfully came back together from these separations with renewed desire and commitment to be in the union. We fell in love again with each other in an arising way and with parts of ourselves too as the inner sacred union through parts work became a very important lifeline.
Yet, also, we came together with more clarity about what we needed from each other going forward to best serve our personal growth and SoulFullHeart too. As Raphael has been sharing lately in his videos, the growth edge of moving into co-leadership is something that we are in ongoing process with together, especially as we heal and feel into other lifetimes and karmic dynamics in our leadership expressions (which most people never get into or become conscious of at all.)
I am feeling how the energies since the 11/11 portal and through the 12:12 gateway coming up is one of supporting completions to open UP new beginnings, especially as we move into the New Earth Energies of 2020. Energies of completion CAN be challenging to be with as they can feel so much like everything just isn’t working anymore, falling apart, or crumbling. Which, if it has been anchored to something that is no longer serving you, they ARE collapsing in order to make room for the new. The completions can be big (such as with a relationship completion, career and geography shifts, etc.) yet, also, they can be more subtle as we also let go of habits, limiting beliefs, previous knee-jerk reactions, suffering patterns, and more.
This 12/12 gateway is also connected to Christ/Sacred Masculine and Magdalene/Sacred Feminine consciousness. Yeshua and Magdalene can provide an infusion of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies now to support the going in deeper or the leaving or completing. They provide a template of sacred union that activates our inner feminine and masculine. This inner union helps to heal inner polarities and fear dynamics that can keep us stuck and not able to let go.
The 12/12 gateway offers another opportunity to move into our bigness in ALL forms of unions and especially those from within us….from one part of us to another!