Lisa Renee – There are many groups of people on the earth that must be directed into another consciousness pathway or future timeline based upon their consciousness hierarchal level in the frequency fields. The bifurcation is the framework for the Consciousness Corridors being outlined as the indication for future direction of the individual and where its group consciousness frequency will evolve in the next cycle. The Group Consciousness coalesces into Frequency Hubs which act as Reality Bubbles which synchronize into holographic frequency containers on the earth grid. This process of re-routing collective consciousness groups that have been synchronized into an assortment of reality bubbles that form into ascending and descending network hubs, will accelerate in the coming year, 2020. This will appear to those of us observing this phenomena as exit points, when surprising and sudden exits from this reality occur when the higher intelligence of the inner spiritual being decides to move into the next ascension stage that is most productive for their consciousness growth, mission or energetic clearing objectives.

What is very important to understand is that these violent human groups, such as terrorist groups, work within a small range of low fundamental frequency. These groups are attuned to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd chakra or the Negative Ego mind control influence of the NAA reptilian hive mind. One must attune their consciousness awareness to a higher frequency than Negative EgoMeditation and the focus upon one’s heart and spirit is the frequency that protects, supports and informs where one needs to pay attention now. This attention placed on the inner spirit, spiritual consciousness, meditation, inner stillness and 12D Shielding, will protect our consciousness and body in ways we do not yet comprehend. There is nothing on the earth that is safer than being in one’s own 12D Shield and activated Lightbody.
These higher timeline collective realities are providing the framework of belief systems from which these groups will learn to rehabilitate their thought-forms without Mind Control, and learn higher principles of service, which form the evolutionary format for learning in the next lifetime or incarnation. Many of them will amplify their negative ego belief systems into fanaticism and they will start to leave this earth through a death crisis of the body. Over the next few years the tragic nature of the death of the body may be very hard to observe in the masses. It is a rough time for many confused people of the earth, however, there are just levels of consciousness that cannot stay upon the earth now and must begin routing for transit. They will take this belief system, whether religion, science, or violence with them in the next life, and their reality will be a holographic mirror to their matched group consciousness frequency.
Essentially the current phase of the bifurcation in time is sorting group consciousness that exist between the frequency levels of: Negative Ego with predator polarities or the Vandal groups, Human Ego thought-forms polarized in Service to Self, Soul in astral plane willing to learn Service to Others, and the Monadic plane and higher consciousness which serves the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One completely.
Exit Points
Points in time when the Soul decides to drop the physical body and leave the Earth Plane to continue the journey in other times and spaces. These maybe chosen as illness, accidents or other abrupt exits. Not everyone is here to do the physical biological ascension and may need to drop their body to evolve to where they need to arrive onto a higher plane of existence. These events call upon us to remain within a state of engaged neutrality coupled with deep Compassion, as this is as it needs to be. Many of us are being called upon to be a midwife of the spirit, setting up the transition teams and are helping those families and friends comprehend the passing over process. Passage can be assisted through the Aqua Portal of Mother.
Midwife of Spirit
I have been aware that many people around us are choosing Exit Points right now. There seems to be an unusual opening until the end of the year to decide if you want to stay or leave the Earth plane. We are going through these levels of completion in the cycles now and for some of us, this means the contract is over. Many of us may be observing people near us coping with illness, accidents and abrupt exits of loved ones, which are surprising and even shocking. Be sure to do your best to remain within a peaceful and loving state of Engaged Neutrality coupled with deep Compassion, as this is as it needs to be. Not everyone is here to do the physical biological ascension and may need to drop their body, to evolve to where they need to arrive. Many of us are being called upon to be a midwife of the spirit, setting up the transition teams, and helping those families and friends to better comprehend the passing over process. If this is your piece, I want to thank you for your loving support as this is a role very much needed right now.
If you are unclear about what you are doing here, please consider spending some time renewing your commitment to your soul growth and stating your Declaration of Intention to the Ascension plan and mission. My suggestions would be to set a conscious intention to connect with your SoulStarseed Identity and if guided, your Star Family. Ask all spiritual links and connections that are required and needed to create and increase this connection, to be activated and anchored in priority and harmony within your energy field. Set time daily to meditate, connect and increase your Higher Sensory Perception. As you set your intention with a consistent exercise, it will cultivate increased emotional awareness and the cellular knowingness that comes with developed emotional cognition.
Aqua Portal
Upon the activation of the 8th Chakra to ignite the Amoraea Flame which connects to the Mother Arc, it is possible to open a Aqua Portal for transit of earthly souls and other entities, to be given to the Mother for dispensation, rehabilitation, or transit. This is a direct dispensation of the Law of One and the return of the Holy Mother to this planet. If it is of Service to Others divine purpose, the Guardian host will help the individual hold this portal, provided they have attuned their body and consciousness to the 12D Shield. Once a person has proven spiritual integrity to hold this portal themselves, after consistent dedication to Law of One, the 8th Chakra and higher heart functions are opened into a Crystal Blue Lotus heart, and this enables the function of the Transharmonic Gate of the Aqua Portal.