zondag 15 december 2019

A heads Up! The Solstice Gateway to 2020 By Hare in the Moon Astrology

A heads Up! The Solstice Gateway to 2020

By Hare in the Moon Astrology
Sunday December 15 2019
Last week’s Venus/Saturn/Pluto conjunction felt quite oppressive and distinctly mood flattening. But just in time for the festivities to begin, everything shifts.
On Sunday a Jupiter Uranus trine sparks inventiveness, hope and faith in a better future, then on Tuesday and Wednesday the Sun and Mercury merge with two of the karmic black holes, the Galactic Centre and the Great Attractor. Suddenly, the clouds part and we glimpse the bigger picture putting everything back into perspective.
The Solstice on Saturday 21/22 is more charged this year than ever before as it falls only 5 days before a solar eclipse on December 26th with the Sun joining a huge star gathering of Quaoar, Jupiter, South Node, Ceres, Saturn, Pluto and Chariklo in Capricorn.

Stay open and aligned with the New as it presents by gently releasing past distortions – so that in January 2020 a fresh cosmic wind can blow through the halls of your own mind, heart and experience, shifting you out of past
entanglement towards seeding an entirely different future.
Ask yourself with curiosity, not judgement:
what’s heavy, weighing me down?
what am I tolerating, putting up with or settling for?
what am I fantasising about leaving or radically changing? what would I love to never do again?
what is chronically inflamed?
what is dead in the water? what no longer has traction? what am I going to stop doing?
What’s the one thing I’m afraid to say about my life and what am I going to do about it?
Get your free Week Ahead + Sign Forecasts for December 15-22 at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
Get a heads up on the December 26th Eclipse – buy my 6 page guide to “Making Eclipses Work for You” : www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk