3D plays in the Guilt game... which robs our joy and instead of being utterly grateful and appreciative for the Gifts that we received (knowledge, clearing/completing karmic timelines, any benefits/support that were necessary for our own "growth")....
Our/the human ego aspect creates GUILT ENERGY around these Sacred Gifts of Love, which then creates all kind of matrix programs to play out. "I can't receive" energy... unworthiness energy, victim/narcissistic energy and "preference" of punishment for something, instead of having pure gratitude for all honoring soul agreements here. Instead of thanking your Universe (higher self) for being kind, providing you with an experience necessary to complete old karmic timelines, various types of support along the way, instead of realizing that acceptance and gratitude frees you.... guilt keeps you in a "punishment" cycle and "zero gratitude"..... and robs you of the magnificent realities available, where GRATITUDE allows you to flow from one reality into all new....
3D plays in the Guilt game... which robs our joy and instead of being utterly grateful and appreciative for the Gifts that we received (knowledge, clearing/completing karmic timelines, any benefits/support that were necessary for our own "growth")....
Our/the human ego aspect creates GUILT ENERGY around these Sacred Gifts of Love, which then creates all kind of matrix programs to play out. "I can't receive" energy... unworthiness energy, victim/narcissistic energy and "preference" of punishment for something, instead of having pure gratitude for all honoring soul agreements here. Instead of thanking your Universe (higher self) for being kind, providing you with an experience necessary to complete old karmic timelines, various types of support along the way, instead of realizing that acceptance and gratitude frees you.... guilt keeps you in a "punishment" cycle and "zero gratitude"..... and robs you of the magnificent realities available, where GRATITUDE allows you to flow from one reality into all new....
5D Consciousness ☼ Gratitude, Immense Appreciation for the Gifts received.....
Now, how do you hold the highest level of consciousness and how do you reciprocate, show respect, pay it forward, acknowledge the Gifts.... how do you be KIND... how do you elevate your consciousness beyond the misery and open up to NEW AMAZING REALITIES.... how do you connect deep inside and open up to TRUST the invisible/unknown ... fully re-connected with your own higher self/universe and open up to receive all of the realities that await you too, that can't come forth as long as you are playing in the "guilt game"... how do you free yourself from the mind-manipulation/3D programs inside.... how do you get excited for what's next, with needing to know first.... ? These are the questions you ask yourself, then ask yourself why guilt is preferable to happy, free and awesome, magical realities that can only come forth if your heart is truly wide open..... (guilt is heart closed).... safe fear.
In our private commUNITY, we gather monthly to bring forth old 3D inner-matrix programs to break down/through together, as well as sharing all of the amazingness too. It's a raw, real ... pure gathering of Souls/Light BEings, ready to transcend the old "easier" and contribute to sharing/openness as love for each other through presence, compassion, kindness to self/each other as we all do. Last night we worked with many programs, with Guilt & Judgment being just 2 of these for many. We broke down/through a lot of this programming together, yet this is not the only time "guilt" will emerge.... understanding "guilting programs" and what this ENERGY is, is an important step to understanding how to shift this yourself.... conscious choice to move through the energy and not let it rule your reality because it's safe/you are scared..... which is a root chakra program/heart closed/mind in a loop cycle, self-punishment game... that we transcend by opening our hearts and re-establishing an inner connection and openness to receive/explore anew......
Inner- (old 3D) Matrix programs can be intense... so it's important to recognize these things as as they present.... and then do whatever it takes to clear the mindset/belief/"lie"/story/energy..... rather than getting caught up in/perpetuating story that reinforces the unconscious program/"belief"......
Transform that Guilt into Gratitude by focusing on the Gifts received through every experience/exchange... our human focuses on the other... this is a part of becoming conscious again and clearing your physical body of the programming that keeps your body anchored in those old dimensional timelines/realities still.......
We bring 5D (and wayyyyyyy beyond)... THROUGH US... and we live it as it presents for us .... as our HEARTS and MINDS ARE TRULY OPEN and ready to embrace the new/perceived unknown through trust/faith/knowing/deep sacred inner connection...beyond the old limiting programs of our own old 3D consciousness... that we each held within. ♥
p.s. All of these programs/energies are of ALL EXISTENCES, not just this human one here. This is a part of "why" these seem so strong sometimes. It's a part of each's Cosmic Akash Clearing Processes.....
Lisa Transcendence Brown