woensdag 18 oktober 2017



  Now it's HOW you Perceive, Process, Deal & Do 
Aloha beautiful NEW Earth anchors,

We are in HUGE clearing times, old Karmic Timelines that span all existences, playing out in this one here. On a daily basis we can see each collective experiencing this in a multitude of ways. Observation gives us awareness and the ability to see the bigger picture, instead of just the limited individual "personal" view.

Collectives now starting to acknowledge (and own) that which was once suppressed and hidden deep inside. The blame, shame, guilt able to clear faster as the feelings come up, are resolved and each moves through the old "faster" now. This is primarily due to the magnitude and strength of collective chaos, which up-heaves those fixed self-preservation and judgmental realities that would not budge before. Shaking the "comfort zone" of fear, pushes each to actually do something and goes straight to where those suppressed emotions/mentalities were housed inside. Collective "out cries", astonishment, outrage and shock are a necessity for global reform to occur on the mass scale that now must occur.  NEW Earth must replace Old Earth. Completely...

Many "think" that being consciousness means we ignore that realities occur. It's actually quite the opposite. We know they exist. yet we are busy opening Gateways and anchoring much higher timelines here so that it's easier for all. We had to clear these same programs our selves. We recognize the victim mentalities, because we used to tell the same stories too. Our claim to fame was everything we had endured, overcome, survived and everything we "perceived" was "done to us" too. And then we woke up to see from beyond the veils of amnesia that exist in Duality realities still. We REMEMBERED on a SOUL Level how all of this came to be.... Yes, it's devastating and freeing all at the same time at first.

As the fog clears, as the enormous emotions clear, as the distorted mentalities clear.... we are left with NEW REALIZATIONS not accessible before. These "new realizations" are not new. We just couldn't remember until we cleared the emotions, mentalities and lack of self-love, respect and power we held within. 

All of the heightened emotions, all of the extreme behavior, all of the blame and victim mentalities are a precursor to MORE LOVE emerging from within each as entire collective's hearts open fully, in order to shift out of those old realities, because they too have re-connected with that innate power that was hidden deep away inside. This POWER once mis-perceived, once given away, once expelled through emotional outbursts and clearings, will be "channeled" differently by entire collectives embracing their own Higher Selves and truly ready to BECOME THE CHANGE now. A new Dawn is coming...

In the rubble, in the ashes, in the vortex of all of that spiraling hurt, anger and pain, is the Light of each's SOUL being ignited and fueled with every beat of a NEW EARTH Heart. Out from the ashes births the Phoenix and NEW Earth, with a new Power of Remembering, a new FORCE that cannot be extinguished anymore....

This MASSIVE FORCE of our NEW EARTH HUmanity is our day of RECKONING. Where WE BEcome the New Life Force of Our Earth. This force is through LOVE and REMEMBERING, which no longer tolerates unconscious anything.... as the PURITY OF LOVE holds no fear.

For those HOLDING NEW EARTH Realities in place and not wavering, keep it up! It can be challenging when we are all stabilizing so much energy, mastering so many different realities, constantly identifying old Matrix programs and breaking the linear structures down at an exponential rate.  Keep coming together, holding compassion, making a difference in every life you connect with and touch. Keep showing others what kindness and consideration are, what inner power and love look like, what UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS is, while stopping unconsciousness in it's tracks. You can do this through sharing higher consciousness knowledge for all who are ready to understanding how to BE NEW EARTH Light BEings here.

p.s. If you feel "stuck" or in a "loop cycle", here are a few things you can do to shift. #1: GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD & move your body, or pull away, relax and get out in nature. Get up and go do something for others, help those you see that have less or are experiencing something challenging. I did this for years to activate a FEELING of pure gratitude and re-connect with my own humanity again. I do this on a daily basis still, helping random others, donating for my own local commUNITY as well as those in-service roles putting themselves out there/supporting all of us with their work too. Wake up each day and focus your energy on a higher purpose, while honoring and nurturing you. Embrace what you LOVE, inspire others, come together to CREATE.... the list is endless when you are truly ready to open up and align yourself and your physical reality too.

I'll be sending out an update on what's going on with "me", sharing some awesome photos and news along the way too. I'm not online as much due to my schedule and shifting realities as well. So many write in that I cannot answer, so I'll put updates in a newsletter as well as appropriate areas of my website too. 

Love from Kauai

~ Lisa ~