zondag 29 oktober 2017


Michelle Walling

I feel like the flight attendant who works the exit row of a plane.
No matter how many times you ask the passengers to read the emergency procedures for pulling the exit door off, when the time ever comes to use it, most of the people have no idea how to open the door.

The flight attendant is usually pleasant and smiling each flight and puts up with so many people treating her as a servant rather than an equal. A flight attendant puts up with rude people because they are simply doing a job.

However when the event that she has been warning people of really happens, she then really gets serious to take control of the situation. Believe me, no one will mind when her personality changes and she becomes a real lion, taking command and explaining exactly what to do. She knows what needs to happen, as she has been trained for almost every way that the plane could need to be evacuated. No one will think her to bossy or controlling when their lives are in her hands.

What if your flight attendant said, "ok, people, we have made this flight in this old plane 250,000 times. I just know from controlled obsolescence that this plane is bound to have an issue at any moment. Please, please, please know where your life jacket is and if your oxygen masks drop, please out yours on first so that you can then help others."
The man in the third row, first class seat interrupts, demanding two more 2 Jack Daniels before take off so that he maximizes his company's expense of paying three times more for that big comfy seat.
Half of the plane refuses to turn of their cell phones for takeoff. In fact looking around, everyone just seems to be either asleep or in a daze, staring down at an electronic device. She can only hope that the 90 lb. lady in exit row 11F can turn the handle and toss the 45 lb door out when needed. And since she will be the first one to jump out, you hope that she chooses to remove her 4" red stilettos so that she will not rip the exit slide and poke hole in the life raft upon landing.

Back to this world...this flight attendant analogy is one that came to mind after a dream I had last night..
I was on a dock with several boats and ships tied to it. I had a knowing that one of the larger boats on the far side had people that I knew in it, and I was just running over to the marina offices to pick something up.
A very large ship came up to dock next to me, and was going way too fast and hit the dock. As if in slow motion, I saw all of the boats down the line get untethered from their cleats. I had a knowing that the boat with the people I knew on it needed some help. I ran as fast as I could to get there.
The boat had been jarred off of the dock and had begun to slowly drift away from the dock and fill with water. By the time I got there, the 20 ft. high boat had filled about 3/4 of the way with water, but it wasn't rushing in and it looked like no more water was going to come in. Rather than swimming, many people were just slowly sinking underneath the water. I reached down and grabbed hands, shirts, or whatever I could feel to pull them back to the surface. It was as if when I touched them, they realized that they were not dead and all they had to do was breathe to keep from sinking.

One by one, everyone was "awake" again and moving around, even my little yellow mouse-looking friend (there are no words to describe what this little creature was) that told me. "I told you that I couldn't swim", and I replied "I told you I got your back"!
Presently, even though the shift from 3d to 5d has been talked about now for over 40 years, people still cling on to 3d beliefs and tools, not realizing that they are no longer necessary or do not work in 5d. When the shift happens, many will be so shocked that they may seem frozen in time. They may not know how to catch their breath, and the pure, clean air may seem like thick water in their lungs. Those that considered themselves in training for 5d simply forgot everything they knew because they were a bit distracted during school.

PLEASE put down your phone and read the exit instructions. Go outside and acclimate to the air, it seems to already have a different quality. You never know when this will be the last time you wake up to this world. Rather than be completely surprised, be joyful and relieved, and as you venture outside, you may see hundreds if not thousands of people in shock, standing with their mouths open and staring into the sky. Simply touch each one of them on the shoulder with a smile which assures them everything is just fine.

Although we are in preparation phase, please refrain from giving specific dates. Only the top brass know when it is going to happen, and that is for a very good reason. Calculations have to be just right. When a date is assigned, it ties 5d back to 3d time again, creating a timeline that must be un-done unless it happens to be right. Un-tether and let your balloon fly, and see that you aren't going to fly away and get lost. You will float in the balance and the view is much more beautiful from up there!